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Daniel Poh Yang Zheng

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Everything posted by Daniel Poh Yang Zheng

  1. Yes there was a need for purchase as per shop rule.. so we purchased and paid for our items at the required amount and above as our sign of support to the shop..before we asked if we can take photo. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Hi all, I have got a Deltec 1455 which is in very good condition for sale at 350sgd Used for abt a year Do PM me if u r interested Regards Daniel Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. De-aquatics...Planning to get my apex unit soon after saving up... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. what's that? is it a filter canister?? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Green Chapter.. Finally manage to find time to go.. Got some more Siporex to add to my tank.. more media in tank the better.. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Got this recently.. Just decided to add in abit more media into my media compartment.. this media is small enough to fill up most of the gaps created by the bigger siporex media... but also will allow for enough flow of water thru the siporex... it isn't too expensive.. just buy one to try out first if it is good.. i will get more if the hole in my pants closes up.. haha.. u knw what i meant.. Hopefully even if more feeding nw for the corals via polyplab amino acid and oysterfeast.. all the media will be able to keep the no3 and po4 down.. Should check in on my po4 soon.. and ensure that my rowa isn't depleted yet... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. FTS for today Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. why selll....? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Water Parameters I guess they can be improved.. trying to bring my no3 down more.. Retuning my CR to make sure my alk stays at 7.7dkh Topping up of MG via manual dosing so far.. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Previously my Sohal tang was having serious color discolouration and it seems really pale.. no ich etc but just color gone... I asked around and found out that it maybe lack of vitamins from the food pellets that it has been taking in... Tried to give it some nori and red bamboo but nvr saw it eat any.. So i went to the Local Fish Shop and buy some Fish vitamin.. Got the Aquaforest Fish V.. which allows me to dose into the water or soak into the pellets before feeding.. After about 2 weeks of daily feeding via this way.. I can say that the color is coming back and the sohal is not longer pale... All the fishes totally love the soaked pellets.. If anyone encounter this in future.. Try some fish V .. and also moving forward i am intending to feed more variety of food... like henry gourmet and also mysis soaked etc.. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. nt yet..but arranging to get one already just haven get the $$ to do it.. was my next project:.. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Came Home from a 3 day work trip.... to a seemingly alive tank... Had a 8 hour power trip on my whole house on one of the day... good thing that there isn't any fish/coral issue.. when my wife came back home from work and did a circuit breaker reset. Thanks to the check valve there is no overflow of water on to the floor. Been 6 days since i dipped all the acro.... thank God no RTN/STN of those dipped... waiting to see if there is a need to dip again.... Waiting to observe to see if there is extension of polyp of the acros.. Wish myself all the best...
  13. nice.. didn't knw it was available locally.. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. i buy it from taobao.... cost me almost 70 to 80 dollars... not cheap doh....
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