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  1. Got Aqualux 55W 10000K form Marine life yesterday. $35 each. Noticed a little to the yellowish side. Wonder why. Is yours yellowish yoo boxfish ? Thinking of getting a 03 actinic blue to make it a little blue.
  2. Hi boxfish. Just change the e-ballast to a 55W eballast and u got it working at 55W. But having problems getting the 55W 10K tubes. MrJoe . .any luck to get it ?
  3. HI. I need help. Noticed every where the PL tubes for 55W 10K are damn expensive. Prices have really shot up like crazy. Any idea why? I also noticed all no stock except PetMart and Pacific Marine. Pacific Marine selling Aqualux for $45 wow. . $10 more then Marine Life. While PetMart selling Corolife 55W 10K for $80 . .a real killer. Last saw at AquaMart for only $55. But both those places no more stock. Don't know who buy them all. Anyone got lobang where to get the lights at normal price instead of the rediculas prices set by Pacific Marine and PetMart ?
  4. HI. I need help. Noticed every where the PL tubes for 55W 10K are damn expensive. Prices have really shot up like crazy. Any idea why? I also noticed all no stock except PetMart and Pacific Marine. Pacific Marine selling Aqualux for $45 wow. . $10 more then Marine Life. While PetMart selling Corolife 55W 10K for $80 . .a real killer. Last saw at AquaMart for only $55. But both those places no more stock. Don't know who buy them all. Anyone got lobang where to get the lights at normal price instead of the rediculas prices set by Pacific Marine and PetMart ?
  5. AT says he has some lobang in HK. Still waiting for his explanation.
  6. AT, any new develpoment on T5 ? Still wondering what is this T5. Any picture of it and how is it used ? Are there 10000K in the market ?
  7. hi boxfish. Still waiting for mrjoe's lobang to get the PL lights on. Will let you know how the corels responded to it once is up.
  8. whew . .thought i just wasted $120 on my new PL. Thanks
  9. Went to Sea Life today to look for 55W 10K PL light bulbs but was told that PL is no good. Will make corels bleach. Ghee .. can someone please enlighten me ? I am so confused now. Thought PL is better then FL all the time.
  10. wow . .this set sounds too good to be true. Bought mine for $120 3ft 55Wx2 without PL light. Looking for the 10K PL lights now. Mr Joe .. any news on the lghts ?
  11. U r lucky. I am trying to raise my PH to 8.3 from 8.1. Have been trying with Seachem for the last 5 days now .. adding 4 tea spoon in a 1/2 gal water everyday for my 100gal tank. Seems to just increased by 0.5 so far. I am afraid I might over dose my tank. Any advise ?
  12. o . .thanks. Thought that was plate anemone. So what does it eat ? Thought was anemone and placed a small piece of prawn over it once a week. Will I be killing it ?
  13. o ok. .thanks doc. Only thing is that it's unsightly. But I'll leave it alone if it does not harm my anemone.
  14. Noticed the dark patches on the plate anemone. Those are flat worms right ?
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