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  1. Are the mushrooms trumpeting? Do the look like they are stetching up?
  2. ben what happens with pH is you can add all buffers you want till your alaklinity gets high then your pH goes up.
  3. There are more factores. Achilles Tang has it right give some more. It may take time. There is a balance between calcium and alk. They need to be added in an equal proportion. Make sure you are not adding a large amount of calcium.
  4. Regal has a point has this happend to your other corals?
  5. I have noticed that giving more actinic,(o3),blue spectrum helps with color. Also the addition of food (not additives) can help also Iodine to help build Zooxanthellae. I'm cheeting from Eric Borneman's book"Aquarium Corals" Yellow-orange carotenoids pink-orange astaxanthins pink astaxanthins orange astacene,xanthophylls purple astaxanthins
  6. The only testing I have done with it is to see if it kills corals or fish by adding it to a tank. I only tried a liquid form so I'm not sure of the strenght. When I added it in high amounts it milked the tank out and took 24 hrs to clear. I was thinking of bottling it,but due to the tank milking I thought it would not be a good product for use. I am going to go to ferric oxide hydroxide for my phosephate remover. It also removes metals,arsenic and silicates. I think this would be safer as over dosing would not be an issue.
  7. I'm not saying they use a two part for thier large system. I ment they have been using Lanthanum chloride to bond with the phosphate and leave the chloride behind. I know they have tested it on sharks and rays with no problem. I also have tested it in two of my reefs without any ill effects. Yes in the two part it is not at high amounts but a little bit each day will add up. Our large aquariums here do not really get any water changes. They get charge for salt water dishcharge,so they do more treatments and test than other aquariums.
  8. From what I know Diatoms feed on silicates like we do calcium. Meaning they use it for there building structure like we use cacium for our bones. Eliminate the silicate and diatoms stuggle to grow. It maynot be that easy. Silicates are one of the hardest elements to remove from water. Most absorbents will remove phosphate before they can remove silicates. This is an approach of pure water always. Robbing the system at every end. I like the idea stated above of refugiums robbing the system of food for additional algae.
  9. I'm sorry for being so out of it for personal reasons. I forgot to add Lanthanum chloride percipitates phosephate. I use it in my ingredients. If anyone knows someone that works at a large aquarium (in the USA Disney's Living Seas, Sea World) they can ask them about this usage. Thank you again for this topic so we can discus a hobby we all love and share.
  10. I'm glad things have calmed down. This way we can discus things without distraction. Yes calcium chloride does not have as high of a pH as kalk. Percipitation of phosphates happens at the oxidation of the addition. Again not at high level,but some aqaurist do not have phosphate problems. Since it does happen we let the aquarist know. Not all aquarist know so we print it. As for the elements. Most of the elements are at trace amounts. A few years ago it was brought up at a conference that all manufactures should tell what is in thier bottles. we took lab test from our chemicals added and printed them on the bottle. Trace amounts or not. If there is anything hookey you feel about I will try to explain. As for the claims. I had an aqaurist that used Oceans Blend write it. He is Goby(Michael) from RC. A sceptic just like you and me.
  11. Hi I am from Oceans Blend. I feel disapointed in this thread. Not for the fact that someone slammed my product,but the fact it has brought a fewed among aqaurist. Honestly I could not finish reading the post. I would really just like to say how I got started with the bis and leave it for you to judge yourself. One day one of my friends ask me what I dosed to my tank. I told him I made my own. He asked if he could get some and soon so many aquarist were asking for it it turned into a bis. You can try it if you would like,but please don't get at each other.
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