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Everything posted by whwwong

  1. dear all, just wondering what is happen' to my clown fish. It is very restless, lying in the anemone and seems to be breathing non-stop (as if gapsing for air). It's no longer as active as it used to be. Not swimming at all and doesn't accept food. Is it going to die or what? The anemone is also like getting smaller and smaller. Is it true that it's a sign that the anemone is dying by the actions potrayed by the clown fish. Please advise. Thank you so much....
  2. I had just bought cauliflower coral and leather coral. And I heard that they will kind one another, is that true. Also my cauliflower coral is collapsing rather than standing upright. Please advise.
  3. Hi, am interested in the hang on filter - $10. Please sms me at 90061842. Thanks. AC
  4. What kind of coral is this? What does it feed on?
  5. What kind of coral is this?
  6. As long as you don't open your eyes when you clear mask, it should be okie. I wear disposal every time I dive.
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