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Everything posted by jaywee

  1. Thanks man! New World Aquarium closed down man.
  2. After a few days of scaping, I net out with this 10/90. Light(10%) on the left plane and heavy(90%) on the right plane. I'm trying to have more negative space. In the long run I might add some short tiny islands to give it more texture and some depth depending on the corals I'm gonna populate with. Why that tall pillar on the right? Scroll down. Ha got myself a custom miniature figurine that sits on the very tip of the pillar. If my calculations are right, it will sit perfectly on the water surface. Mr Scuba Diver looking down at the "Ocean". And he has two turbo snails to chill with. Any thoughts or pointers? I;m not sure if I am 100% satisfied but so far after so many different variations, this is the one I'm most comfortable with right now.
  3. Good call. Haven't tried that yet. Thanks!
  4. Is there an English manual anywhere for these MAME overflow? I wish I paid attention during japanese class! Would have come in handily now. I'm clearly not doing it right but I can't squeeze the vinyl pipe in anymore. Is this too far apart? According to the manual it's suppose to 3mm. So this is too wide. But it won't budge. I've tried the hot water method. Ain't budging. Snyone here with a MaME? Help!
  5. MAME Design Overflow. This thing is amazing. So well crafted.
  6. All good man. I'm glad I get to chat up with some of you nice folks here and get a few pointers from you guys.
  7. Haha it helps that I cut it to size. Now my wife's gonna wake up tomorrow morning and be like "Why is there a hole in my Yoga Mat!??!?!?!"
  8. haha thanks bud! Small space to work with. Now I have to figure a way to mount doser and dosing container. I think I'm getting the Jebao DP4. Heard great things about.
  9. The hardest thing to do... Wire Management. Almost complete. Gotta wire a couple more things and I'm good. Oh Snap! Purple yoga mat for my sump! haha I think I like it.
  10. So I really dislike the look of the kessil gooseneck. Really Eeeewww. And since I'm going super clean, I don't want to see the gooseneck clamp to the back of my glass and all that nasty wires. So I got Tony to bend me this rod and bracket it to the back corner of the stand. Also sprayed it the same grey as my stand and wall so everything blends together. And here where the coolness is... by simply loosening the thumb screw I can swing the rod away if I need to do maintenance or go crazy with vacuuming my sand bed. No more bumping my head on the Kessil and worry about it falling into the tank or the gooseneck breaking the glass. Such a simple cheap solution. Can't believe I never thought of this sooner. The rod is hollow so I can hide the wires inside! Now that's a floating Kessil.
  11. AND YES!!!! Finally something to update this build thread with. I GOT MY CUSTOM STAND! Props goes to Tony aka The Stand Man. He's a local guy in NY and he makes some of the best looking stands. I told him make me an ADA looking one but in a darker grey (To blend with my wall) and with the same side lip/vent but with a yellow accent interior and he totally delivered. Damn, I'm super stocked about this stand.
  12. Haha yeah BRS is godsent! Choices are great online but not many local shops. Unless I move to Florida or L.A. More established reef shops there. NYC only has like a couple of decent shops.
  13. This is gonna be a nice build man. Can't wait to see you stock it up. Really digging your 3 pillar scape. The middle one should be solely SPS corals mounted off the sides. Make it look like a Spike Club. lol.
  14. Your spiral stand is cool. Did that come with the tank? And how's your flame angel doing? I really want one down the road but I'm worried my 32 gallon is too small for one. And don't they nip on SPS occasionally?
  15. Thank buddy! Yeah the local guy is great and he can make anything. He made me a AIO acrylic nano cube with overflow and back chambers. But I have a tendency of over cleaning my display tank and I've scratched the acrylic so many times haha. So Now more acrylic tank for me.
  16. I'm like limited to 1 post today. haha no idea how this forum works. Thanks bro! Thanks! I love that sump. I already have another tank. Will probably be transferring all my corals. It'll be a mix reef. I have a snowflake clown, a 6line wrasse and 2 yellow tail blue damsel. I might se the damsels. They're aggressive. Thanks! Yes its made out of acrylic. Thank you sir! MAME overflow should arrive today or tomorrow. Can't wait to set it up.
  17. This is a sump custom designed and built by a local guy from Manhattan Reefs. Super happy with what he's done. I gave him such a limited dimension and he delivered everything I asked for and more. I've heard pretty good reviews about this SCA 301 Protein skimmer. For under US$100 this thing is pretty damn well-built. I hope this skimmer isn't an overkill for my 32g Nano.
  18. I wish I have the luxury of purchasing equipment in a LFS. It seems like Singapore has an abundance of LFS to go to and purchase reef stuff. Not so much in New York. There's only like a handful and not a lot of selections. And to get anywhere its quite a drive. So we always just order from big names like Marine Depot and BRS and just pray nothing breaks when its being delivered. I recently got my tank delivered. See how insane the protective packaging gets. Too many broken tanks and Online vendors are not taking the risk. So for a small nano tank they pack it so intense it came in a gigantic box almost 5 ft tall, haha. Packing peanuts were filled to the brim. So here it is. Mr. Aqua Passion Ultra 32 Gallon Rimless Low Iron Tank. I was banging on getting an ADA 60H or 60F but it's been out of stock for the longest time and quite imposible to get it here in NY and shipping cost is crazy. Mr. Aqua is Taiwan made and they've been doing a great job with their tanks. Reviews online have been quite steller.
  19. Below are my specs so far. Things might change as I go along. I'm really looking forward to this build. I'm going super clean, minimal and sleek. Glass Mr. Aqua Rimless 32 Gallon Low Iron Tank 23.6 X 17.7 X 17.7 (I was gonna go with ADA 60H or 60F but they've been out of stock for the longest time) Lighting Kessil A360W-E with Bluefish Wifi Controller Plumbing MAME Design Overflow Sump Custom design and built by Custom King (New York) Skimmer SCA-301 Protein Skimmer Flow/Wave Jebao RW-4 Pump Eheim Compact 2000 Stand/Cabinet Custom Controller Apex Controller Neptune System Reactor TBD ATO Tunze Osmolator Universal 3155 Dosing Apex DŌS (Waiting for release)
  20. Your tank is so impressive. I like the depth of field effect with your SPS in your tank.
  21. Hi all, I'm Singaporean but I reside in New York City. I did a google search and found lots of great looking reef tanks and a good number of them hail from Singapore. I had no idea SG has such a big reefing community! Props to you guys! I'm intrigue to see how you guys do things differently from the Reefers in the states. I'm doing a new setup and would like to create a build thread here and get advice from you SG Reefers. It will be a great learning experience. Who knows, if I ever do return to Singapore I would love to meet up and have you guys show me around the best LFS. And likewise, if any of you folks ever come to New York, hit me up and I promise I'll be a good host. Thanks in advance for your hospitality!
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