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jaywee last won the day on December 25 2014

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    United States
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    New York City

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  1. Thanks bro! Appreciate it. Love your bedroom avatar shot bro! make some good lovin' in that room.
  2. Wow how u go from no corals to suddenly a zoa colony garden. Great job man! Looking really good! Did you rescape?
  3. Finally got a proper and fast Macro lens to take pictures of me fast swimming fishies! My Six line wrasse been very hardworking at eating all the unwanted pest on my live rock. Selfie Time!!! My Mandarin Dragonet playing a little Peekaboo. My Snowflake. A real survivor. Been with me since 3 tanks ago. So my snowflake's been solo for almost 2 years now. She's a real bitch. She killed her partner ages ago. Now I'm determined to pair her with another clown. Since she's been solo for so long, I reckon she's turned female and won't be changing her sex no more so I'll have to pick a smaller size male to pair her with. So I got 2 Juvenile clowns to see which one she would pair with. I'll eventually have to take the odd one out and put him in another tank. But all 3 have been doing so well I'm real surprised! My big snowflake hasn't been bitchy and she's been swimming with the 2 babies as a pact. I got a Wyoming White and a Flurry. I have no idea which is which. they look so similar. haha. But i think the first one is a Flurry. You experts out there please help me ID.
  4. This build is insane man! Are you keeping the wood in this grey rustic stain? I like it.
  5. When I upgrade to a big 100 gallon tank I will definitely go CR. Now I'll probably just dose 2 part and keep up with water change to replenish whatever gets depleted. What do you peeps in SG test your waters with? Now I'm using Red Sea test kits. But I jut purchases Salifert to try out and compare test results and take the average between the two brands as my reading.
  6. My SPS Pillar is partially complete with lotsa frags. Can't wait for them to grow quick and outwards. Will probably have to relocate some of these guy at a later stage once they start touching. Or avoid growing into each other and create some sort of interesting shape. A new super hot addition. A Red Spider Sponge. Heard this thing is super hard to keep. Had it for a week and its been doing pretty well. Polyps are all extending and fluffy. but the slightest touch or too much flow it shrinks and start to look leathery. Really interesting. Mine seems to like strong flow but not direct and lower light. Also needs constant feeding like 3 times a day. I'm gonna start feeding less to see how it does.
  7. Oh yeah Calcium reactors are definitely the way to go for big tanks. I have no space for one. haha.
  8. Yeah pre-made and super convenient. But costly $$$. haha. You dosing ESV Mag too?
  9. Nothing much to update. Tank is going through some minor cyano outbreak. I'm doing longer lights out period to see if it goes away. Also got some SPS frags to mount on my tall pillar. And I finally got my Jebao dosing station set up!!! I've never really dose in my previous setups but i'm trying to go more SPS heavy with this tank. I'll be monitoring Alk, Cal and Mag for the coming weeks to see how much I should dose. I'll be using all ESV products. I've had good results in the past.
  10. haha thanks bro. Real sexy time that clown. Thanks! Thanks man! The Kessil is awesome. Really enjoying the output. Thanks bro! It's gonna take awhile but yeah I can't to see how things grow out. Thanks!
  11. My snowflake will make love to anything. It went from the hammer to the toadstool and now the wellso. Link Here
  12. Damn that's a nice pair dude! Sick! Those black Ice?
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