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Jonathan Tan

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Everything posted by Jonathan Tan

  1. Hi bro, what are the equipments you're using?
  2. Some of my preferred corals. This is supposed to be a yellow hammer, but can't seem to get the colours with the camera.
  3. I got a couple of LPS and Zoas (Frags/Colonies) to trade! Realised I got too many things of the same colour. Looking for well coloured LPS (bubble corals) and zoas, I'm up for anything actually. Drop me a pm if you're keen!
  4. For filtration, there's broken live rocks in every compartment of the ios and I got some nitrate reducing substance from AquaMarin. Also, have 2 layers of nitrate reducing sponge and a normal white floss at the very top. Using SKIMZ SH1 as a skimmer in the middle compartment, and chaetos in the last compartment with a submersible blue led light inside. For lights, I'm using a PAR38 (3x Royal Blue, 2x 6500k) and a 1ft LED (All Blue). I run the PAR38 for 10 hours, and blue LED for 6 hours with 2 hours overlap. I can still manage with a cooling fan, thus didn't get a chiller. I have a 4L auto-top up container though, which lasts for only about 3-4 days.. As of now I change water twice a week, but am aiming for once a week soon. Will keep you guys updated on the live stocks!
  5. My tank is already about 2 months old, but have decided to post it up to get some advice and feedback! I got an iBox20 set from Aquamarin and haven't regret since. This was during its cycling period. I didn't really know what I was heading for at the start, thus I tried FOWLR, species, and eventually reef. And this is what it looks like currently. Water parameters are more stabled now, but I'm still trying to bring down my nitrate (currently 20-30ppn). But as of now, my softies and LPS seems like they're doing well. Hoping to be able to keep at least a couple of bird nests and montis in time to come.
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