For filtration, there's broken live rocks in every compartment of the ios and I got some nitrate reducing substance from AquaMarin. Also, have 2 layers of nitrate reducing sponge and a normal white floss at the very top. Using SKIMZ SH1 as a skimmer in the middle compartment, and chaetos in the last compartment with a submersible blue led light inside. For lights, I'm using a PAR38 (3x Royal Blue, 2x 6500k) and a 1ft LED (All Blue). I run the PAR38 for 10 hours, and blue LED for 6 hours with 2 hours overlap. I can still manage with a cooling fan, thus didn't get a chiller. I have a 4L auto-top up container though, which lasts for only about 3-4 days.. As of now I change water twice a week, but am aiming for once a week soon.
Will keep you guys updated on the live stocks!