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  1. Not all, those damsels and chromis are bought ...
  2. Thanks bro for the urchin, it started eating already
  3. U can try OTF, they do have wooden airstones but not sure if it's Sander brand
  4. Does cleaner shrimp eat normal food, or is it totally dependent on what it can get off from the fishes?
  5. If anyone wants smaller specimens, let me know as I do get them occasionally in my cast net
  6. What's new about S'pore haha All the news about more pple poaching is simply because all the legalised area already wiped out
  7. Thanks guys ... that's why you see 2 nets there, don't want to use my fingers to adjust the net for a better shot lol
  8. I have a 3-4" specimen, wild-caught for sale at $5/- Self-collection at Tampines 96644677
  9. Hi all, any idea what is the red stalk? And the 2 'clams' that are attached to it..
  10. No worries .. was just wondering whether I caught an expensive fish haha...
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