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Everything posted by loonz

  1. Hi, anyone ever repaired one of these? Or know where to send for repairs? What about spare parts? Appreciate any feedback, thanks.
  2. Anyone got any to offer? Hopefully used for about 6 mths or less. Thanks.
  3. Thanks for the interests shown in the above items. I have replied to all PMs and Canister filter is currently reserved by bro beebeefl. SEIO is not reserved but several have asked about it but no confirmation.
  4. Have a SEIO M620 for sale, see my post below http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=79455
  5. WYSIWYG Canister filter : Dolphin C-500 Rated at 500 litres per hour $10 Powerhead : SEIO M620 (Hardly used) Rated at 2400 litres per hour $15
  6. Full story at http://edition.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/americas...2009/index.html
  7. Nice fish, would love to have it in my tank. =)
  8. Hi folks 2 large pieces of about double-fist size each $10 each. Am willing to break it up to fist size at $5. Self collect with own container please. PM for address. Anyone interested ?
  9. Left to right: About 16 centimetres Front to Back: About 10 centimetres Any takers?? It is currently suspended near the surface of the water. There's more than 1 bush.
  10. I just called Harlequin....they told me they don't carry them leh....
  11. Hi, does anyone know what happened to DELIGHTINGS? I have placed my order for these tubes since October/November 2007. Was told that there's some supply issue and the shipment would arrive soon. I recently SMS DELIGHTINGS again regarding the same and did not receive a response. Are they still in business?I really like the performance of these T5s but have no idea how to replace them now that DELIGHTINGS seemed not particularly interested in doing business. Anyone has any to spare?
  12. Hi there.... Anyone knows where else i could order or buy these T5 bulbs? They really work for me but DElighting are out of stock (3ft) now. Thanks
  13. Hi there.... Anyone knows where else i could order or buy these T5 bulbs? They really work for me but they are out of stock now. Thanks
  14. Hi guys...sorry but have rid of all the excess algae after bro Ccirrius took the last.....still have some left in the tank but will harvest them in time. These are pretty slow growers, so please be patient, thanks!!
  15. Similar...but more compact..the colour is a much darker green too
  16. Hi fellas... Got some pieces of Codium sp. (aka Dead MAn's Finger) to give away after some pruning...Sorry too darn lazy to take any pics..hur Sizes range from small up to fist sized, thereabouts...got about 5 - 6 clumps... If interested pls come forward & PM...hope to clear by tomorrow. Thanks. Collection at Henderson Rd, bring own container pls. Cheers..
  17. Searched through my stuff and realized there's an additonal EXTREMA still!! so now there's another 2 remaining still...
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