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Everything posted by jquek

  1. Mine is around 80-90. NTUC life water came out to between 10 and 20 for me. My TDS meter's resolution is 10ppm and so I change the resin as it hits 10 ( or a reading of 1 on the meter)."
  2. Wish the fish I wanna catch is as easy.
  3. Stunning! I like your new scape so much more!
  4. To share, I have been using the reef resh system for about 8 weeks now, and I unplugged rowaphos when I started. Prior to this, rowa can keep my PO4 at undetectable levels (Hanna checker), but I noticed that PO4 has crept up to 0.06ppm since then. Could be that my skimmer is not skimming as efficiently as I like, I don't know. Having said that, overall health of the corals seem to have improved since I started reef resh. I reintroduced rowa last weekend and shockingly, my PO4 dropped back down to undetectable levels within a day. I don't like the sudden drop at all and now hoping that the drop is not going to cause any negative effects on my corals, especially the SPS corals.
  5. Very nice tank Ryan and good photography skills!
  6. That's what I call a colourful reef!
  7. Hi! Really like your scape - very natural and beautiful coral growth. And nice to meet you during the MASS frag sale.
  8. A video update of my rather colorless reef tank: Currently, mostly dominated by softies and some LPS. Lost several SPS a few months back while I was away and nutrients and parameters seem to go a bit haywire. Current SPS corals still not looking too good. Also started Polyp-lab reef resh after hearing good reviews about it, and still monitoring the condition of the tank.
  9. Want to find a home for a 2" plus ochrestriped cardinalfish. Has been with me for a couple of months. Selling to reduce bioload. Healthy and eating pellets. Eyes actually shine blue under my LED light. Interested, PM me or contact me at 97712457. View and collect at Ang Mo Kio Ave 1.
  10. Ecoxotic LED collected. Deltec kalk stirrer still abailable. Price is negotiable.
  11. Some fish photos: Zebrasoma desjardini: Halichoeres chrysotaenia:
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