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Everything posted by jquek

  1. Oh.... and I think #2 is not frogspawn but a torch coral.
  2. 1-4. As what neokn stated. Just to add that 4 is a pearl bubble. 5. Hammer coral (euphylia ancora??) - looks bleached. 6. I think it looks like glove/clove polyp that is not opening up.
  3. Nope! Happy with it, just accessing my options in future cos I don't see many 150W DE 14KK around.
  4. Using the phoenix one too..... got it from your last bulk order, remember?
  5. I think i am having a rough idea.
  6. Its ok. Thanks for the info on the megachrome series sold at petmart. Anyway, have you used it before, Ryan, and how is it??
  7. Yup, pardon me but till now I still do not know which is the banned lfs.
  8. Yup. Trying to do that. This fellow losing out to the fat blue tang when it comes to food, but I make sure that it is having its share as well.
  9. Another recent shot of the tank. Not much update in this except that the elephant ear seems to be opening bigger Also added a RBTA but its hiding.
  10. Hi, Is it normal behaviour for RBTA to hide in/under/behind the LRs even after about 1 and a half week in the tank? It sometimes also moves to hide behind the LRs and shrivelled up though its still attached to the rock. It opens occasionally (not fully i think) but at the same time hides very much too. Tried to feed it (without success) but when approached, it will close up almost immediately. Are these normal behaviour or is there something it doesn't like in the tank? I do think its still healthy since it still attaches to the rock and is responsive but it just doesn't like opening up and enjoy the light?? By the way, the anemone is positioned near the sandbed of a 2 ft ht tank. Any advice? Tank/water parameters: 150W 14K Mh light; NH3=0; NO2=0; NO3=30-40ppm; PO4=0; PH~8.0-8.1; sg=1.023; Ca>400; Alk=7.7dkh; temp=26-28C
  11. Hi, Using 14K MH with atnics FL. The photos turn out a bit bluer cos can't get a better white balance (very limited digi cam and didn't really bother to do much correction in photoshop). Anyway, its only a little blue in real and kinda like the effect compared to 10K previously. Actually prefer the lighting without the atnics which kinda make it a little magenta though not noticeable in the photos.
  12. Translucent (bleached?) frogspawn still around:
  13. Added a couple of LRs (cured) and minor rescaping.
  14. Hi Power BLue, Thanks for the comments. Its still a very young tank and my brother and I have much to learn as we go along. As to the pics, its all taken by a rather old model 2MP Olympus C2 zoom digi cam. Most are taken using the macro mode on the camera and without flash and some (generally the better taken shots) are taken mounted on a tripod. Lots of limitation using this camera but it helps that I have some photography experience (much much more than reefing). I believe your Canon A75 should perform much better than my camera. With my cam, still unable to capture fast moving fish - the hawkfish is the easiest fish to capture!!
  15. A closeup of glove polyps. Many things actually look beautiful when you actually observe them closely.
  16. Night corals: (shifted my hammer away from the shrooms too)
  17. More pics to share ... Hermit on top of my open brain (its gone now - believe something made a meal of it).
  18. Yes, I did remove the bannerfish but things didn't get any better. FYI, I removed the bannerfish within hours of introducing the brain so not much damage yet from what I see. I suspect it may be also some other LS (camel shrimps? didn't catch them redhanded though) and probably nocturnal ones since the condition got worse overnight. Or is it my water parameters?
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