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Everything posted by RayL

  1. Bro long story short, Crab started out like an angel. Eats leftover, sift and clean sand. Then starts to knock down corals, and the last straw was when my tank crashed when it decides to snipe off my xenias' stems and munching on them. Although i never knew whether was it because xenia was dying? Heads was open and pulsing. Anyway, I never dare to try again.
  2. Well i meant the red and blue legged hermit crabs. Had bad and unforgettable experience with them. Will never try again lol
  3. Ime I only believe a reef safe crab is a dead crab.
  4. Last week ah beng have it. Usually Ng couple would have some. But be warned that they are non reef safe.
  5. 3 times pellets, sometimes 4. 1 cube of henry reef gourmet and 1 piece seaweed.
  6. Im currently keeping a pair in my 4ft fowlr tank. It is very aggressive towards small fishes but not big fishes. However the bigger of the pair is the aggro 1. Not the smaller. So it depends. Initially it was very aggro to my 6 barlett anthias and anthias have tear fins. But after a day the anthias can fight themselves off and now the damsel doesnt touch them anymore. It also chases my six line, pair of goatfishes and diamond goby initially. But occasionally only. Have a big enough tank and semi aggro fishes, preferably larger, and it should be fine.
  7. Usually less than a day if the fish has been accliminized at lfs and your water parameter are good. Otherwise... pray that it is at least eating
  8. Thanks guys for the advice. Just recovered the algae blenny's body from a tunnel that my goby digged. Had a hard time locating him. Anyway he has a 1c wound on his body. I suspect the female naso tang got pissed and gave him a kiss of death [emoji22] [emoji27]
  9. There is 1 at AM as of last weekend. It is at the back of the shop. Its been there for a few weeks already
  10. Then do lower the water level until the skimmer water level is at the neck area
  11. Regarding the cup filling up fast, there should be a cap or valve to release the build up pressure or increase outflow. Alternatively u should adjust the water level that the skimmer is sitting in. I had a "fountain" display previously out of my skimmer cup and I wont ever want that again [emoji31]
  12. Leave the skimmer on. The microbubbles are normal for new setup. It should typically "break-in" in a couple of weeks. U will still need to fine tune abit to control the amount of bubbles. From what I understand, the slimes that are built up will reduce the microbubbles eventually to 0. Though it is subjected to the build of the equipment itself.
  13. It is currently attached on my lr in my fowlr tank. Am very curious because many things are starting to crawl out of the rocks and I want to know if there's any effect on smaller fishes
  14. I bought my clove polyp open and it was opened immediately when I place it at home.
  15. Yes corals close when lights are off. Some drill holes to plug frags, some would glue it to place. For me I let them be.
  16. Haha but anyway it might be a good sump cleaner [emoji1] Crabs are really unpredictable. 1 moment angel, next moment disaster..
  17. Or you could just go for a fowlr setup and u dont have to worry about the crabs and whatever thats in it
  18. The only reef safe crab is a dead crab [emoji28]
  19. Lol TFC scaped the rocks and each 1 weight 10 20kg. I think not very possible to rescape the rocks [emoji21]
  20. Hmm my blenny doesnt attack any other fishes except naso. He just really hate the naso but is not as strong a swimmer. Naso is way bigger than him and not a pushover so I doubt blenny dares to chase [emoji13]
  21. Mine has been together in my 4' x 2 x 2.5 fowlr tank. Naso about 6inch while blenny is 3. The algae blenny would frequently aggress the naso by trying to bite it whenever naso is near it. Most time naso would just swim away. Sometimes naso will chase n bite blenny back into his hole. Im not worried as both looks happy, healthy and feeding. Just thought maybe that blenny shouldnt always try to ambush the naso. So is anyone keeping both fishes together and have this small aggression issue?
  22. Bro. My current big naso tang took 3-4 weeks before he started eating. I tried lots of different foods and he wont even try. The only stuff he eats was microalgae from the lr. He was always timid until recently when I added anthias he started eating and is not timid anymore. Dont know whether coincidence or not. But I have a feeling maybe because it might be similar to his home in the ocean. Maybe do away with the copper and try get him into the dt soon? If your fish is from a stable source, u shouldnt need a qt.
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