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RocketBunny last won the day on November 8 2014

RocketBunny had the most liked content!

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  1. waiting here for your updates! Time to scape soon! Faster wash your rocks!
  2. Hi bro!! I am just here to give you some moral support and encouragement! Hope to see you real soon. I am also doing up my tank at the same time! Supper soon too! rgds
  3. Used Fixture in whiteAll hanging kit and stand available4x T5 @ 80w X 4 (320w)4x led board @ 85w X 4 (340w)Decommission of tank.pm to discuss, or nine8two59two2zero
  4. Used Fixture in whiteAll hanging kit and stand available4x T5 @ 80w X 4 (320w)4x led board @ 85w X 4 (340w)Decommission of tank.pm to discuss, or nine8two59two2zero
  5. Its quite late in the night when i took this picture. they are "off from work already"
  6. I also added a Maxspect Gyre xf150 on top of the 3x MP40 i have. Its really strong without deadspot now
  7. Hello guys! It have been awhile since i update the progress of the tank, All have been well ever since. I did a major rescape. recently. Lets continue DAY 197 as of today. Its more than 6 months already! Here is the re scaping: Also here is the updated image of the sump tank /w CR finally up and running well I have change to a Giessemann Aurora Hybrid T5/LED fixture. Fixed it when i got the chance during re scaping. I didnt drain all water, just taking out corals slowly and live rocks. Be cautious not to disturb the sand bed too much as some of my corals are not doing too well. Browning and stress. Hope they get back to shape soon!
  8. Hello! Yes I do notice some good growth on certain sps but some didn't turn out too well though. Something might be missing, like insufficient lighting or flow. Time to re adjust a little. Water parimeters are to my liking and no erratic swings.
  9. Hi Guys! Day 126! Updating my tank progress!
  10. Hi everybody! Its been awhile since i update my thread, been busy! Day 106 Added a blotchy, AT have been eating well but there are signs of white spots. Hope he is fine. Everything is growing in its place. Frags have grown a fair bit since day 1 i added in.
  11. Keep it UP!! Hope to see it fully stocked!
  12. Hello to everyone again! Just to do an update to make sure i am still around! Day 89 and still going! waiting for stuffs to grow! Water's all good, maintain the weekly water change and dosings of CA / MG / KH
  13. Nice! Maybe can modify with a stick to extend it longer! may i know how big is the sponge cleaner? bigger than a 2 dollar note?
  14. That should be from Iwarna. Its one of the earliest livestock i added in
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