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Everything posted by hammy

  1. no lah ... just that sometime i go jalan kayu to have dinner then go aquamarine a while loh. then hand itchy... haha...
  2. running on 2 prizm to see whether can improve water quality. any comment are welcomed.
  3. star polyp... normal to get it at 10 dollars ??. i thought use to get it at 5 dollars ???
  4. some branched hammer , nice colour under T5 10,000k and actinic blue
  5. oh i realise u lke to put all of the same coral together. like ur bubbles, tubeworm, star polyp...
  6. bubbles look nice and healthy . can't help thinking that they are grapes .
  7. hi , looking for the above . if u have one to let go , please pm mi ur price, collection place and duration of usage . thanks a lot.
  8. ur best bet is to include a surface skimmer . by right ur overflow should remove the debris to ur sump as ur friend suggested . maybe ur return pump is not strong enough?? a manuel removing of surface can be achieve by dabbing those thick tissue paper on the surface . but very troublesome.
  9. er of cos can... but i think it's a waste to use for freshwater ya. it's better use for those marine air stone skimmer .
  10. 2 x new corallife limewood to give away. 1 x sander wood to give away too. anyone still using air stone skimmer ?? pm mi if interested self collect in sengkang
  11. great there spawn ! a challenge to maintain such a small tank with such minimun cost !
  12. iodide ? anyway it's use to enhance the colour of the coral and a necessary element for molting of shrimp , crab ....
  13. hehe... clean look after removign the sand. must be a great project. look as nice as before . still savour at youe sps. haha...
  14. care to share the result of the tetra test kit . if i am not wrong , u still need to divide 4.4 from the result . anyway u can try to get another great test kit from tropic marine or salifert to confirm ur reading. in my opinion , quite impossible that ur reading is off from what u describe unless certain unforeseen circumstances , situation occur
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