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Everything posted by hammy

  1. thanks , but not looking at the EV series though . upz
  2. hi, been wanting to upgrade my skimmer to tunze 9002 , but the stock is not readily available in singapore . trying my luck here to see if someone is selling their skimmer looking at deltec HOT , aquaC remora , or aquamedic biostar flotor. please pm mi your price , and the age of the equipment enjoy reefing
  3. they will start attacking the turbo for their shell if they have outgrown theirs
  4. one of the reason might be malnutrition eg:calcium not enough
  5. lotsa fishes and softies in iwarna ... bought a few zoo over at ah beng, they have a hugh black frog iaquarium , nothing much for today
  6. wow, that's impt to mi ... had been supplement with marine snow and aquaz phyto.. finally it come
  7. just bought mine . but kinda pricy and small
  8. just joking ...i dun mind getting ur star though it's a sink deeper and deeper hobby ya . just receive ur voka thing , time yto try out since it's holiday !!!!
  9. i drive sicce extrema through this chiller . rec flow rate is > 900litres / hour
  10. oh my God time to pass mi ur frag after i change my lighting .
  11. for cycling , u need ammonia , nitrite , and nitrate testkit ... hey , u saw the rowa sponge at clementi ? think i might go there later . care to pm mi the price and size available ?? can share if u want . for carbon , try rowacarbon , since it is in pellet form , easily stuff inside ur filter
  12. using an extrema for cl280 , great for my tank too . if u estimate the head loss and pipe friction , the flow is just about there when it reach my chiller . agree with may/bruce to use >2000l/hrs
  13. frozen brine ?? try mixing seachem garlic to the brine . anyway they are greedy bugger , very soon they will be eating non stop ... in the first place , i thought u are cycling ur tank ?? if ur ammonia and nitrite is off limit , they are unlikely to eat
  14. yes ... when it reach 26 , it will delay start about 30 sec later ... after it reach 24. it will stop ... but seriously no need to set at 24 ... i set mine at 26
  15. there will be a diffrential of 2 degree before the chiller kick in ... it's normal
  16. rec flowrate through the chiller is >900litre/hours which is stated in the resun chiller CL280 box. if u realise ur flow rate is not enough , the chiller will kick in and out very frequently . that is what happen to mi when i connect my canister 620litre/hour . now when i connect to the extrema , everything is ok =)
  17. interested in ur sump and overflow piping ... dun mind taking the whole set from u . please pm mi the price u are looking at NTU undergrad still student right =)
  18. chemipure is good ... i saw this tank in tamp mall basement . u bought from there ??
  19. anyone know how much is a Lemon-peel angel now ? care to pm mi ? thinking of going abeng later thanks in advance
  20. the bubble emitted from the left hand section , is it skimmer foam >???
  21. nitrate has been a serious debatable issue to many reefer...even to the amount of acceptable range within the reef tank. recently just wanna upgrade my skimmer and some equipment so that my reef will improve , my main aim is to control my nitrate .i always wonder is it possible to do so . wow , some reefer states their nitrate level is zero , i am always aiming for that . nitrates , IMO , is even more critical in nano tank since the water vol is small , the parameter can be unstable . yes , 1) using macro algae , 2) powerful skimmer , 3) Berlin style , 4) az-no3 , 5) sugar ?? 6) water change, 7)DSB , all the above can control nitrate significantly but just to share that a reliable test kit too is important. just bought a NO2/NO3 tropic marine test kit from petmart and my NO3 level is between the range of <1ppm to 5 ppm ... the colour range is too near... i was of course rejoicing over the result and just wanna share some of the stuff that i do to my nano to control my nitrates. i used to use tetra ... a) reliable salt mix is impt . i change from redsea to corallife to marine environment ... expensive salt but great solubility and result . prizm skimmer . just enough for 2 feet and below ., skim wet c) use distill water .( since water vol is small , and i dun want to inverse in RO/DI unit ) d)biohome (1.5kg) in my eheim canister 2215 e) weekly water change of 20% f) ya, i clean my canister weekly or fornightly. g) i have rocks to the max to how much my main tank can hold . my sandbed is just just a covering to make it look more natural, no sugar and no az no3 employ. yup no sump too due to cabinet design and constraint. but the reading is taken after months when my tank really settle . tank mate : 2x cleaner shrimp 1x purple tang 1x flame angel 1x true perc 1x bicolour dottyback ya the purple tang shouldnt really be in a 2 feet tank , but aquamarine 2 feet also has one , just couldnt resist the temptation , so bought one from there too . hee hee. just some sharing . enjoy reefing .
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