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Everything posted by hammy

  1. the led is surprising very strong. seriously i cannot take pic with my camera. somehow the lighting is strong to my eyes, not strong enough to the camera's lens. but it is very good , not to mention cheap hahahahha. i dun always on it lah. as and when i like it until i buy my timer yeah
  2. not yet garden. a small park only haha
  3. alamak. somemore i seldom use. well. sometimes luck lah. upz for myself
  4. wa lan eh... ur high tech stuff really cannot stand ar haha. still simulate new moon. mine is always full moon.if i wanna new moon effect, i need to paste a sticker to cover 2 led. =)
  5. as above 5 dollars. self collect in sengkang. =)
  6. thanks to all bro for the encouraging words. the red gonio is one of my fav and one of the reason why i buy roti feast. ganerally i am a neat person. guess it is from the army haha.
  7. haha. try to take leh , but cant see the effect. i would say the effect is much more brighter and better than the retromoon . just like a small MH effect. very nice. will sleep with it on haha
  8. wow. i like the huge look
  9. the little fixture have 3 LED inside . heard from my friend that it can last for 5 years if on 24/7
  10. increase flow in tank helps too
  11. check ur skimmer lor. if got red pigment mean ur fishes having period haha. no lah, the coral lose their dye. doesnt look dye anyway
  12. red bubbles first time i seen it
  13. never been to coral farm , but that guy is way too
  14. something like that on the instruction:Excess alkalinity may enhance the loss of calcium,magnesium and strontium. do not directly mix with any calcium, magnesium or strotium supplement.best if added on alternate days or at least 30 mins apart
  15. ya bro, how many fishes do u have ?
  16. ya. sort of like precipitate out. dose one reef builder and calcium on alternate day
  17. hey where u got that guy? care to pm mi ? full bloom will be pretty
  18. this is an very unusual zoo. definately a good rare specimen
  19. mine is a very simple moonlight. he say he will get it done by fri
  20. recent changes. stop DT. change to marine snow, roti reast and arctic pods. coral seem to like it and my gonio is really benefiting from it haha. my starfish died ! just gotton a bro to do a moonlight for mi =)
  21. jervis. wanna sell mi ur ric hee hee ? anyway it is illusion. the side of my tank is quite bare one. wanna get those cheap cheap coral to filled it up . got any to throw at mi ??
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