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Everything posted by hammy

  1. added 2 tube of Ho T5 , one aquamedic ocean blue and one ATI aquablue special.
  2. no need bigger tank, just put some of the corals in our tank will do. bro kennethk , great to see u back in action .
  3. lotsa softies mushies and starpolyp . SPS. LPS: brain, cynarina, elegance, true octopus, green prata , plates , favia and many more
  4. maybe those mini coral goby ... cute and small in size . but 2g is way to small too small and too challenging .imagine when ur LR are in , the amount of water will even be smaller.
  5. exciting basement u have there. guess u must have a lot fun with all the toys and DIYing urself. the SPS looks great do keep the update coming in. really envy u guys to have such space to build great reef.
  6. indeed beautiful fishes in real person. and ken really make great effort to make his anthias eat . so much so that his clownfishes look like pigs now u will succeed in keeping them bro,keep it up
  7. as ur tank is big , tunze nano might not be a good choice, go for bigger stream ( 6060/6080)as the radial flow they cover is wider and more effective.
  8. powder series tang seem to be affected by ich easily. the only proven way to cure ich is through copper and hyposalinity. by read up the pinned thread by weileong in disease control/ parasite treatment forum. read up more before administer treatment. in the meanwhile, boost ur fishes' health by soaking their food in garlic guard.
  9. yes i believe a 150 watt MH is good enough for ur corals . recently i just added 2 HO T5 to my Mh to have a better spread of lighting ...
  10. yup recently gotton a medium size BT and it is eating like a pig , active and a colourful fish. certainly will bring the tank more life
  11. look like an aquacultured hammer LPS . so it might be slightly expensive. but certainly look healthy and nice
  12. yup .. just came back from his place . scaping is nicer when viewing the real stuff. told him his scaping has a GPMG outline. hehe
  13. blue starpolyp? ah beng's main tank still have one super nice one. the easiest blue stuff is probably clams =)
  14. how strong is the flow of ur canister ?
  15. very nice and clear picture u have there and the sunnies is the center attraction ya . well done on the sunnies since some reefer even have problem to make them bloom very good buy indeed . does the sunnies take up a lot of ur tank space ?
  16. yoz, show ur powerpuff coral leh haha
  17. i have used eheim classic 2213,2215, professional II 2026 and i would recommend u to used eheim . quiet and reliable.
  18. haha... er... yup ... know where to put them le ... have them in mind . now comtemplating about calcium reactor ... lotsa 2nd hand good deal but still must spend at least 400 min.
  19. in fact it is from javier and he got it from GO. =)
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