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Everything posted by hammy

  1. guess i will just have to stop the wrasse fantasy .dun like to take risk
  2. DOes the wrasse fighr among themselves . i think some wrasse is really nice and beautiful and afraid to keep more than 1 in my tank
  3. After a while, they will stick on their own =)
  4. bro, will the changing of white to red tube encourage algae growth . Do let us know the results ya
  5. reserved by a bro. will pm the rest if it is available again
  6. yes ... it is a pleasure to see the fish swimming in the open =)
  7. HI bro, All ric is about 40 dollars . Nice colour can range from 80 -- 150 =)i have seen very very unique ric in dersuz's place ... u can pm him for more info
  8. thanks bro.. i think u have nice beautiful FAT fishes too
  9. upz for sale. just upgraded my FR . collection anytime in sk. basically really is plug and play
  10. i think ur tank is really a lot beautiful !
  11. Salt currently reserved for fishlife =) will pm the rest if it is available agian
  12. HI have one packet of coral marine sea salt ( marine environment'c cousin wihtout little bottle ) for free . It is in the 6.8kg pack, but i think left 5kg like that. collection asap at sengkang...
  13. MOD, pls delete this post or transfer to arofanatics. Totally irrelavant here. just kidding lah bro, good to know at least u are still in the hobby =). Nice fish! not many people use MH for aro?
  14. WTB mystery wrasse or black tang... do pm mi the size, eating condition, price and collection place if u have one to let go. thanks.
  15. upz for a nice, responsible and passionate reefer . just went to his house to witness his clean, beautiful tank. Corals are in superb condition, not to mention his rarities
  16. what is the difference between hybrid specimen? actually they do look almost the same to mi. maybe a pro can explain ?
  17. isnt ur signature fish an exotic from CF> heh heh
  18. at least 250 watt MH . 150 watt is difficult without any supplement fo T5., and tend to brown out depending on specimen
  19. soak everything in distilledbenigar and try again.
  20. i see someone getting ready for SPS again with the search Deltec CR and stuff associated ya
  21. Look like a super great project ... will dropby ur place to behold the real stuff when the tank is established.
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