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Everything posted by hammy

  1. the brain is a nice specimen. From GO? it look kinda cute =)
  2. Terry is right. what i am planning to do is just used container from Fairprice with skimmer and liverock and add cupreamine to a concentration of 0.25ppm. The fish will be quarantine to eradicate all parasite before goinginto main tank.
  3. with little frag of eagles eyes, ric and yuma =)
  4. u can read my mind. finally solve all the ich with copper in the main tank with zero fish loss. removing the copper with carbon on sat =) dun want to repeat the same episode
  5. Do u happen to have a recent pic of the real specimen?
  6. Hi, if u have the above for sale, do let me know =) jacky
  7. keep the pic coming in =) only a maroon clown?
  8. haha... yes my tank is fowlr with one green mushroom as hitch hiker. if i have coral, i dun even think of it.
  9. hi bro, i know it has some effect on the dwarf but in fact the drawf look seeingly more active and more greedy in their diet now. definatelt it has some effect... but what effect? if it is infertility like bro Fuel say, i still can manage and accept... but for example causing liver failure and will lead to death, that one i cant accept
  10. Thanks bro Earth, one of the most experience FOWLR , heh heh. i think i will bring back the copper level to negligible reading this weekend then
  11. i didnt perform it together with hypo... just strictly copper, garlic and vit C. infertility seem a bit cruel to them, but in any case, they cant really reproduce in my tank too. thanks fuel.
  12. my tank is visibly ich free after i dose cuperamine at a concentration of 0.25mg/l. it has been like that for most a week. Seachem/reefkeeping recommend that it should be left for 14 days. Hypo treatment recommend 4-6 weeks to ensure complete eradication. should i leave my copper level for 2 weeks or at least a month? i do not want the ich to come back again. is there a long term negative effect on my fishes for prolong period of time exposure to copper. seriously my fish look a lot more healthier, more greedy and better colouration after copper and vit C treatment so far. all are fat and ich free. not a single speck observed for at least 1 week already.
  13. u need a super efficient skimmer and ensure your tank is well oxygenated with alkalinity of at least 8-10dkH.
  14. bro, not too surewhether they have shipment. i mean I see the rock beauty at desmond's really a while ago, like a month ago =) rock beauty not exactly rare in this sense.
  15. one of the most difficult fish to keep. even in a reef tank, it is difficult to maintain his dietfor long.
  16. that's why i say bye bye to my queen angel, black tang etc.... haha anyway i ahve very bad experience with melafix and pimafix... my skimmer literally go crazy which afterwhich follow up with many problems haiz ...
  17. haha... if i can, i would like a variety of fishes too. but coral beauty is too dangerous and would only limit to only 1 drawf angel in the end.
  18. okie... will see if i can get javier again =) my N95 is totally hopeless if i wanna take the fast fish. anyway i am not good with camera too haha
  19. a blessing in disguise =) hey guys any update in sealife or LCK for fishy?
  20. 4 by 2 by 2. hmmm.... it seem that i have only 2 dwarf =)
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