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Everything posted by hammy

  1. anyone know whether the angel's formulae from ocean nutrition is in ?
  2. eh bro, show i pic of how u connect the 851 bro....
  3. seem like the last one is sold ... but he can ordered ... no prob with that
  4. hammy

    LED Panel

    any new product i can try on ? hee hee
  5. hammy

    LED Panel

    bro sherman, mine pm me the pricing and the necessary information. thanks =)
  6. swee lah bro.... now u are one of the most successful fowlr owner liao.... can see u really put in a lot of effort in this tank. well dedicated and it is pay-off time to enjoy ur work....
  7. do they school... look nice ... maybe they will go well with my queens? thinking quite hard on what to add to my tank
  8. hammy

    Artificial LR

    GOLDEN OCTOPUS TRADING PTE LTD 472 Upper Serangoon Road Singapore 534509 (Junction of Bartley and Braddell Road) Hp: 9791 6349 Tel: 6286 4247 Fax: 6286 7471 Email: shan7569@yahoo.com.sg
  9. hammy

    Artificial LR

    sorry to confuse u ... i think fake rock only GO has it... pricewise, call them . LCK and CF has big live rock
  10. hammy

    Artificial LR

    coralfarm or LCK should have what u are looking for. i choose fake rock because it is cheaper, easier to handle and nicer to scape... of course the bacteria part to counteract by biohome in my sump
  11. one box down ... left one more... hope the box can do well for the reefer purple queen =)
  12. hee hee... come la ... i fish u ... u look like mermaid... i mean merman
  13. hey guys, no times to go marinelife to get henry's food because u stay in sengkang or punggol? i have 2 boxes of his food, totolly untouched. bought at 15 dollars per box, selling 15 as well. selling because i think i buy too much for my fishes to consume. henry food expired within 3 months from manufacture date, still have 2 more months left =) pm me if interested or call me straight at 98790045 for faster response. what else to expect from henry =) only te best
  14. very offended. dun friend u liao
  15. can predict haha the only downside of this skimmer is it is too tall..... nevertheless, the efficiency is as good as 701
  16. keeping queen angel http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/aug2004/fish.htm The queen angelfish is haremic, with males defending a territory occupied by two to four females. The male visits each female during the day and will feed with one female for two to five minutes before moving on to the next. When the male approaches a female, he will rush at her and then rapidly circle around her. Queen angelfish spawn just before sunset. The male swims alongside the female and flicks his pelvic fins outward and also swims in circles above her with all his fins extended. The pair then makes a spawning ascent with the male positioned below the female with his snout touching the area around her vent.
  17. what can go wrong with deltec =) a proven reliable technology needlewheel. with bigger skimmer, ur tank will be more stable now =)
  18. Hi, lookinf for small pump of any brand abt 1000-2000l per hour to curculate my sump =) do pm me of u are selling =) preferably collection in sk or punggol
  19. no major fighting... no torn fin for the 5 angels... or 6 including the odd ball regal angel... some minor chasing but they dun bite. unlike when i used to have king in my tank... he really bend on killing the rest
  20. is that a new thing to clean sandbed? can share the source of information?
  21. FTS... open concept for more swimming space... to compesate the lost of LR... 7kg of biohome plus is employed... might add another 5kg tomolo when i go petmart... some useful additive for FOWLR IMO, bio digest bacteria... ( how i know it is good? once i have a nitrite surge, dosing one ampule greatly reduce all nitrite to zero, since then, i have faothfully dose it at leats once a week) seachem prime: my chlorine killer, while giving my fishes an additional protective slime. =) seachem cupramine! this is super effective. always on standby until the need is there.
  22. the big one leading the crowd
  23. i got this queen from big bird... he can be a eye catcher... always the first one to capture people attention
  24. the smallest of the lot 5.... i feel that it is a bit out of shape... but it is the nicest... the cleaner buddy of the biggest one ... always doing the cleaning duty faithfully
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