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Everything posted by hammy

  1. As of now the tank is drained ... dried ... And Naz is coming later at 9am to deliver NSW and my rockscape, caribsea special grade reef sand...I just cant ditch the sandy look =) Thanks NAZ! I have my rockscape way b4 my tank and thanks naz for helping me to cycle the rocks for at least 4 weeks in a clean tank.
  2. Adding tap water to wash through all the fine dust and test if there any leaking ...
  3. using 3M stuff to organise my wire. I really cant stang the soft hose of my FR haha... but need to point back to the inlet of my skimmer... when I have time i will think how I can make it better
  4. Trying my best to make it neater
  5. The little details take makes me happy. I can tell you.. the word ;germany' on the stainless steel hinges can make me very happy haha
  6. having a closer look at the hood ... i intend to 'hide' everything there
  7. I was busy working, So i left vincent working on the tank with my brother ...When I was back ... more pleasant surprises await me
  8. An incident happen when I saw a BIG arrow scratch on my left crystal panel! I thought I check already. I called vincent immediately and he took me not to worry, when he return the 2nd day, he just use his penknife to smooth the silicon marking. stupid me for worrying for a long time
  9. Part 1 of the job ended with the door and hood unfinish At least everything was in place
  10. Putting eveything together I just need to organise the wire
  11. Nvr regret choosing 3 sided crystal grade hmmm... the 2 feet tank was built to my standard... As usual... I check for scratches etc etc.. everything is perfect ... Well... This is the first time I have someone 'painting' a tank in my living room... As he was building it, I guess he has to endure all my harsh standard and request. But I guess everyone in the forum knows he can be very patience with his customer. All that being said, I am glad. I was indeed disappointed abt the delivery time as he was late. But I guess, his customer service make up for it
  12. Not too long ago.. I walk pass a nano 1 feet cube tank and was just looking at the flame angel swimming in it ... I fell in love.. once again... the reefing passion is still there. So i decided to decom my arowana tank and start a 2 feet cube tank. My new home will be coming next year, so this will be a great tank for me to catch up before embarking on a bigger project .... As I sold my tunze nano 6025 to kelvin81, he inspire me further and a lot of inspiration was drawn from his tank =) BTW i think I am the only one using tunze nano as a wavemaker for my arowana. Conceptualization came when one fine day i sat down with vincent AA to discuss the possibility of the birth of my tank ... and here is it. Yup... I am concerned with details and my ideas will change from the 1st concept to the final birth... Let the picture do the talking. Well.. As usual, vincent being vincent will patiently listen to all my request and worries and advice me how thing can be better. Can you imagine my excitement when it was delivered ? Wanna thank kelvin81, vincent and Seet, ken from madpetz for the equipment advice.
  13. Sweet... I always am fascinated of the symbiotic behaviour of fishes and animals
  14. Getting forgetful and bad in estimation. Wondering the 20lbs live sand from caribsea enough for a thin layer of sand bed? Or I need a 40lbs? Thanks!
  15. Great! I don't know how you do it...but you did it... Rmb to show pics of your setup and share your joys of reefing. Stock slowly o that the bacteria will keep up with the demand
  16. no doctrine or literature will tell you that at 40ppm is ok for your LPS and Zoa.=) However, my LPS and Zoas thrieve at nitrate 50ppm. just cant to keep my nitrate down last time. Your canister is a nitrate factory although it is effective to convert ammonia and nitrite down with the biomedia inside. As for SPS... no way. Skimmer, biopellet, algae scrubber and water change with DI water will help you lower your nitrate
  17. Hi Dreams, Learn from the mistakes of others so that you will not commit the mistake on yourself. because this hobby can be very time consuming and financial draining. Money well spend = less money spend in the future. Patience is one key value u must develop in order to have a thriving tank. I was once like you.... I need sump, i buy sump I need overflow box, I buy overflow box I buy Weipro, not gd, i buy prizm, not gd, I buy aquamedic, still not satisfied, I buy deltec ... I wasted so much money and time trying to sell I buy Fl, coral dying, I buy PL, very hot, buy fan, water evaporation too high then buy resun chiiler, no gd buy arctica.... then I need wavemaker, buy SEIO, bigger SEIO, biggest SEIO, then tunze, then this then that ... then i decided that I should stop these nonsense. I READ. I talk to reefers, i go to their home, I visited the library. Information is readily available nowadays. With all that being said, your testkit for ammonia and nitrite will not lie to you. Do you have the test kits. Traces of ammonia or nitrite will kill any living fishes or coral in no time. why waste time and money again. Just an advice too, I understand you are very active in your setup and you might wanna consolidate all your threads into one. Instead of flooding the Marine Set-up forum with many questions that are actually related to just one topic - Cycling. Your title for topic can be clearer too.
  18. The cause of the smelly smell is the presence of ammonia like what many reefer has mention earlier. U can remove chemically by using activated carbon like rowacarbon but that will defeat the purpose of cycling the tank. U need ammonia source. U can remove biologically by adding bacteria source.... If I am you, I will save money by just waiting it out. After the ammonia, then u still need to wait for the nitrite cycle.
  19. Salute! 13 years old maroon! Show passion and dedication. I'm sorry to hear your lost
  20. Submerged the rainbar under the water surface. Have it point up to agitate the water surface
  21. Go for it. My only concern is the trace element. Since u are doing water change. That will be fine
  22. LPS such as hammer is more nutrient tolerant to nitrate... but even at high nitrate level, it will impede the potential to extend their polyps and growth. Nutrients such as phosphate and silicate not only fuel algae growth, but also prevent calcification of corals. ie they stop growing.
  23. Overskim... Underskim has bigger prob...algae, high nutrient. .
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