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Everything posted by hammy

  1. Bro, have you tried it already? I ran it in the a skimz FR and find that it is not suitable.. So i bought a mini reeftech 50. work so much better
  2. 2 bali clownfishes ( I just love to see them swimming together) 1 royal gramma 1 flame angel Wish to have 1 helfrichi 1 blackcap I wonder the Blackcap and the Royal gramma will coexist peacefully
  3. Let me know if u have one for sale Get seem to get one from LFS as work schedule quite tight.... Every time too late... Will appreciate if anyone spot these in LFS and let me know. What's app 98790045 Many thanks
  4. According to madpetz website, my 1/3 Arctica is using 1000W
  5. This is for 115V power output. Ours is 240 V power supply
  6. I run the reef tech mini 5o with NP biopellets... Nice tumbling effect... Can send u the video.... At the moment it is nicely tumbling without overflowing I added abt 200ml for my cube. The flow is ok
  7. Added a tunze 6095 and 7092 to compete the flow. And a reeftech mini 50 for biopellet. The current FR is not suitable for bio pellets. No worry for biopellet stuck anymore DD nitrate test kit shows my nitrate at 5 to 6ppm
  8. I am using AI and personally find it a very gd light set. However the coverage is only 2 feet by 2 feet
  9. Very beautiful collection of fishes. The size and thickness is OMG! Good job!
  10. I run my previous 4x2x2 with artica 1/3hp.... No strain on the chiller.... Very efficient Erm.... I am brand conscious, for chiller, only artica
  11. Do you want them to just survive or thrive in your tank? To survive I think at 30 to 32 still ok To thrive I guess to bring closest to the environment will be 25 I do a balance.... I set at 28.5.
  12. I'm quite sure is your SPS depleting the kH Slowly dose back to 9 or 10.
  13. Any picture update? Since you have complete your cycling... I suppose u have started adding marine life?
  14. You give me confidence! By the way, I left the jewel damsel at Solo's place... Eating well... But eventually didn't make it to my tank. I thought he will be my first fish. Hmmm.... Going TFC soon
  15. My whole market prawn disappear already. My ammonia and nitrite still zero Just bought seachem ammonia alert just to confirm The nitrite is monitored by tetra
  16. I got the rock from Iwarna Naz
  17. Hey nicereef. I'll what apps u later! I need them! Thanks really helpful to me
  18. Anyway I left a small piece of market prawn in the morning till now. I took out the market prawn to smell, it smell like shit! But my tank ammonia and nitrite is still undetectable by tetra testkit I'm wondering should I continue to leave the prawn there. Using live sand and rock is cycled for 4 weeks. Using nsw... Just feel that if I remove the prawn, my aerobic bacteria will be deny of food source. Ammonia
  19. I seldom put my hand inside haha. Unless necessary. If algae is there I will let it be. But my philosophy is keeping nutrient as low as possible. If not zero....
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