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Everything posted by hammy

  1. Yes bro weeseng! Come have a look! Nvr regret! Wanted rhomboid... go there tempted by the pair. This pair will swim ard all the time till at night they go sleeping.
  2. Celdric! Will be dropping by your place after my honeymoon. My tank is stable to put in your coral already! Now in italy, still looking at your coral photos!
  3. Little cute guy from Iwarna big eater and getting fatter
  4. http://imageshack.us'>ImageShack.us Who am I ?
  5. http://imageshack.us'>ImageShack.us Can you see me?
  6. The icon of reefing... http://imageshack.us'>ImageShack.us
  7. new inhabitant =) http://imageshack.us'>ImageShack.us come as a pair from tfc...
  8. Hi people, want to buy a simple small tank as a qt for my tunze reefpack. 2x1x1 or 2x1.5x1 etc If u have one for sale do let me know. I'm looking for something economical. Best if u wanna give away to clear space. Thank u WhatsApp me at 98790045
  9. Very beautiful sps, lps, and fishes. Many many gems inside.
  10. this is very nice scaping ! will be awesome when the corals are in
  11. how old is your tank? what kinda of water you use for changing? what are the readings of ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH and kH at the moment? do you QT your fishes? I do not suggest adding medicine yet unless you are very sure what you are adding is actually treating the fishes without harming the beneficial bacteria.
  12. OMG.... 8 years in a vase. they are self sufficient? The corals certainly look healthy !
  13. using RO/DI water with good saltmix allow you to perform water change with high degree of quality control. TDS in bedok area is about 75 ... =) Its like doing car servicing .... lets say your car need 6l of engine oil to perform servicing. after pouring in 5.8l of clean engine oil, u realise that you are short of 200ml... will you top up the 200ml with used engine oil? individual preferance though... My advice is to continue with the distilled water although quite a hassle to safeguard your precious tank fishes and coral in the long run. In short term, performing water changing/ top up might not be significant to observe.
  14. Please whatapps me at 98790045 if u have one for sale. Thanks. Prefer in east or North east
  15. Please whatapps me at 98790045 if u have one for sale. Thanks. Prefer in east or North east
  16. What type of coral are u keeping. KH will decreases with time. of course u can change water with a good salt mix. IMO, 11 for kH is quite comfortable. without doing anything significant, your kH will decrease with time. accuracy in testing is diiferent for different brand of testkit. most of us .... agar agar the colour change, we take that reading for DD testkit, the colour definition is good and they also state it is valid for certain time frame for nitrate.
  17. 3 clams for sale at $150. Going sandless in my new place. Clams keep flying away without the sands. whatapps 98790045 if you are interested =) Trade with colourful zoo welcomed. http://imageshack.us'>ImageShack.us
  18. Try changing water with DI and salt mix
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