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Everything posted by hammy

  1. intended upgrade , maybe a auto water top up . comfortably without a sump , a better skimmer . anyone has idea how to wean the yellow tang to eat . tried garlicguard mysis and brine , formulae one and two ,maybe live brine ??
  2. dory , nemo and marlin ... anyway the small one die tragic in eden 228.
  3. NH3 : 0 using seachem ammonia alert NO2 : 0 using tetra NO3 : unknown , but i know should be high as diatom sloing dominating. pH : 8.0 to 8.2 using tropic marine using tropic marine triple buffer to buffer kH and pH . pH tend to drop , dunno whether is it due to hypo . anyway all fishes are healthy. LS: regal blue tang , hawaii yellow tang , true percula and flame angel. not intending to add anymore . my juvenile yellow tang is not eating ... argh ! change 20 % weekly using red sea salt. last time use marine environment but find it too ex. tried tropic marine , will say it's one of the best but still ex.
  4. my flame . most gracious fish in the whole tank
  5. moonlight in action . nicely fitted in the retrofit , great workmanship
  6. some common addictive that all of us are familiar
  7. eden 212 is use as a wave maker . use to use 228 , realise it heat the tank quite fast and after my c. royal gramma and one of my true perc is stuck in the wavemaker and died @#$%^ , decided to decommission it and change it to a smaller one instead
  8. main filtration is eheim classic 2215 with 1.2 kg of biohomes and eheim coarse pad. sitting nicely in the cabinet. the dual valve is a must for maintainence purposes . without that , flooding my room is super easy
  9. some equipment skimmer : red sea skimmer with chemical filtration basket filled with phosguard from seachem lighting: HO T5 2 x 24 watt AAP retrofit bought from aquamarine with 2 x 4.5 watt moonlight aqua medic ocean white 10000k aqua medic ocean blue true actinic 1 X AC taiwan fan really strong . from petmart. sit infront of my tank also can feel the breeze only downside is that evaporation rate quite high. able to maintain a small tank to 27. 5 avg
  10. full tank picture with cabinet. quite small and comparatively quiet . no sump due to space constraint.
  11. finally my nano tank in my room is somewhat complete , decicded to post some pic on a lazy sunday afternoon. all comments are welcomed. currently FOWLR and decided to go into mini reef after 15 october as all fishes are currently under hypo .
  12. anemone is a light demanding invert and it usually is not recommand for 2 feet . i would recommand u use 2 x HO T5 ( with actinic and 10,000k at least) other than ur anemone, i think a Pl ( 2 x 55 watts will be great for viewing pleasure) , heat can be brind down with just fan. if u intend for a chiller , can consider MH. but again , i rec HO T5.
  13. thanks minsmarine , the flame is doing well in the tank. good luck for your sales .
  14. haha...regret to tell u that i am no more using the FL . upgrade to HO T5 as we had discuss last time . anyway this tank had already being decommissioned . will post a new thread of my more powerful and better 2 feet . still nano FOWLR. with better light now , will consider LPS and rics and yuma . but in the meanwhile , still finding all sort of equipmennt to complete mt tank .
  15. yup will post a bit more close up shot when i am back . hmm... always like animals to be paired . like my pair perc clown by cjack haha my pair of hammies . ur pair of budgie definately are adorable pets.
  16. although i do not know weileong , but i can testify that his write up is proven effective against ich. Summary Isolate the fish from any invertebrates or sharks and rays Lower the salinity (specific gravity) to 12-14ppt (1.009 @ 27°C) over a 72 hour period Closely monitor the pH and specific gravity Do regular water changes with low salinity water Keep the salinity (specific gravity) at 12-14ppt (1.009 @ 27°C) for 4-6 weeks, or at least 4 weeks after the last disappearance of the "Ich". Raise the salinity to normal over a 3-7 day period. Leave an untreated display tank fishless for at least 30 days. hypo for providing a great info for everyone
  17. hey that's a interesting idea . now , even shrimps need to be QT. hate ick to the core . slowing down my stocking process madly. but well, my wallet getting fatter .
  18. ya nearing a month le. set up another Qt tank . almost just dose copper in then . Haha... looking at cupramine instruction , realise it's not easy as i need a accurate cu test kit , furthermore , if i dose cu , no more coral next time which will be very very sad.
  19. ah !! damn cute ! dun they attempt to fly away ?
  20. look like penguine when they sleep. check out their cheek pouches haha
  21. where that smell come from ??
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