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Everything posted by hammy

  1. currently just added a ultra violet clarifier 9w... =) and an auto water top up controller with only one float switch to the system. will post picture soon . no more manuel tedious mandane tiring, periodic water adding yeah. 6 weeks into hypo , lifting the curse soon.
  2. try petmart... call them first. they should have it
  3. go and get reliable test kit like tropic marine or salifert and measure ammonia/ammonium , nitrite and nitrate ... only when ammonia and nitrite has gone down to zero, then u measure nitrate and bring down the nitrate level to a safe level by performing a water change. normally for marine , we cycle our tank for at least a month to 6 week depending on the system. 2 weeks are not enough unless ur live rock are fully cured. even then , to cure the rock for at least a month is safer . get ur test kit bro. dun rush and read through all the thread b4 u start to buy and LS or even equipment.
  4. call mi lor if u need help to rescape. update : yellow tang die of starvation . 15 october is like years away. every time can only see the nice nice coral. haha.
  5. just to add on : a reliable cu test kit is required for accurate dosage . cupraramine ( seachem) is a great medication if u are considering then. too high a dosage more do more harm to ur fishes in the end . calcium based rock may absorb Cu , so might to difficult to remove Cu next time if u want to keep coral.
  6. if ur tank has ich previously , it is advisable to leave the tank fishless for at least 30 days to totally eradicate the parasite totally. u can be sure that there are at least 99% no ich in ur tank. 1% murphy's law....
  7. if ur tank has ich previously , it is advisable to leave the tank fishless for at least 30 days to totally eradicate the parasite totally. u can be sure that there are at least 99% no ich in ur tank. 1% murphy's law....
  8. dragoanball !!! @#%^ last time still collect those shiny cards. haha... those were the dayz . and yu yu bai shu .dunno anyone know a not . japan one.
  9. personally after using it , i will not recommand either. quite fustrating sometimes . just to share my own experience. would say that it is reef safe as last time after dosing it , my corals are fine , but would say at the same time it is not that effective as it claimed too.
  10. i vote for hypo . for mi i only believe in copper and hypo treatment for ich hwever copper is difficult as need to buy copper test kit and monitor the concentration regularly i think . and rock absorb copper too, so no chance for coral next time if dose copper n the tank . qurantine tank maybe different , however i read from liveaquria that some angels are intolerant to copper like pigmy flame and golden.
  11. it will be best if u measure ur nitrate and po4 or even silicate leval after ur nitrite has gone down to zero. depending on the result of the NO3 reading ... let says 60ppm... maybe changing halve will bring to 30 . IMO , no need to change 100%.
  12. hypo treatment included weileong's thread for reference.
  13. when fishes are infected with parasite like ich , they will secrete some film of layer of coating ... hypo is one of the most effective way in curing ich , though tedious . when administer properly , apparent white spot will be gone in at most 5 days , according to my own experience. but full treatment might last for 6-8 weeks maybe u can tell us your procedure in introducing hypo treatment and some parameter like pH ,KH, and by the way are u using a refractometer or swing arm hydrometer?
  14. give to mi lor haha... anyway can put up for adoption or ask fellow reefer to help if they have a sump . or sell lor if really no choice ...
  15. i read somewhere that pple had success with 8 tubes of HO T5 in their tank without MH . 4 tubes , unsure .. must ask the expert. anyway agree it's dangerous as might accidentaly tip into the tank , but arent all light face the same problem unless has a hood that is built in. MH might snap too, light with stand might tip over too haha.. LOL just be careful a bit ya
  16. sharp eyes .. yup they are from aquamarine . bought from their recent promotional price. i would like to say not only great price but great service too/ aqua medic tubes : ocean white 10000k and ocean blue ( true actinic) HO should be sufficient for my dream rics yuma and florida ya. some LPS like hammer and frogspawns. definately not enough for SPS and clam
  17. haha... u gave mi three pieces mah remember?? . the flat piece on the top and two other pieces i make it as the base . why are u shutting down ur tank? ur's look great and neat too... anyway sell mi ur equipment if u are shutting down LOL juz joking gal.
  18. yup .. often a mistake make by mi is i am too impatient .. maybe getting another 212 to put on the left side to increase circulation . waiting in pasam malam. hee hee yipee , slow and steady is the way.
  19. yupz ... i love fishes but i hate damsels ... didnt intend to add anymore unless unexpected casualty. love ur tank but maybe time to take pic and update all of us le
  20. yup i agree and i see huge blue tang. will sell once it get too big . really love the intense blue . but i must say it is one of the most interesting fish in the tank . very vibrant and greedy. now who want my tang when it grow up . provided it survive the hypo ordeal.
  21. just that it is empty now , just to get rid of the ich. will dedicate my heart in marine keeping
  22. all comment welcome. very very empty now . haiz...
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