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Everything posted by hammy

  1. other than the diatom, the heat problem could be an issue .
  2. yup it's a goniopora. common name is jewel if i am not wrong. a flowerpot coral, has polyps and tentacles long enough to sting other coral and maintain large territory. not recommend for beginner as they tend to waste away after a few month and need intense light and moderate slow current .
  3. maybe it's not the additive ... maybe u can share with us what have u been feeding ur fishes ?
  4. selling at 15 dollars . condition very good . interested parties please pm mi or sms mi at 98790045. collection in sengkang or any mrt station that i might stop by. enjoy ur day.
  5. generally live brine shrimp is fresh and i think that is about all. however it transmit parasite like marine ich more readily . processed frozen brine is vitamine enhanced and de-parasite i think. i prefer frozen brine as it is easier to handle .
  6. get all at 100 dollars and i will throw in one half bottle seachem reef plus . or a new free bottle of nutrafin cycle . ( u get to choose ur free bottle ) pm if interested .
  7. purple yuma on a hand fist size live rock selling at 25
  8. ric florida . luminious green with purple skirting. 4 mouths . size of 2 fifty cent . selling at 60 dollars .
  9. aquamarine clams red coco worm left over yumas purple mushies true perc bicolour angel cleaner shrimps damsels ...
  10. elegance coral reproduces by gradual fragmentation from within. The vast fleshy body produces new skeletal material inside, to be eventually extruded; the weight of the flesh and skeleton assists the separation of the masses. elegance coral often divides this way in tank. in the meanwhile keep your water parameter great. they do poorly in nutrient rich water and need strong lighting and enough current to wash away metabolism. if the crack is not too severe and ur water parameter is great.there might be a chance for it to heal on it's own.
  11. my friend always tell mi that whatever i do , don't be the last , and also don't be the first ... enjoyed my NS . positive attitude .
  12. all i want is a ric garden. or a forest. and my baci chocolate.
  13. hi guys , need help for my final year project. any males between the ages of 24-35 that's willing to help me do a questionnaire? there would be a small monetary token of appreciation. best if ur living in sengkang or hougang area then i can go to ur house to pass it to u to do. pm me by this sat if interested. it's a survey on consumer behaviour . it's just a 10 min interview . thought might find some help here . i am not a salesman , not promoting any stuff too . maybe i can see ur tank and have some chatting session . thanks a lot.
  14. standard 2 feet jewel hood for sale . have a 15watt FL lighting incoporate the hood. 2 feet by 1 feet . selling for 5 dollars . reason for sale : no use for it .
  15. it is vital to understand the level of nitrogeneous waste product rise and fall during the first few weeks. 3 important reliable test kits must be employ to measure ammonia , nitrite and nitrate monitor the water quality and do not introduce any fish until ammonia and nitrite level have been zero for several days . ammonia : As you put in your half dead/ live live rock, decomposition processes begin, ammonia is formed and this build up to a peak before declining nitrite : the second phase , the oxidation of ammonia to nitrite, soon follows, also peak and then steadily fall away. nitrate: as soon as ammonia and nitrite are formed , further bacteria continue the oxidation process to produce the less harmful nitrate. process takes about 1 months - 2 months . in my opinion, since the ammonia stage has already begun , there is no need to change water and wait patiently for the cycling processes to complete . aome claimed skimmer is not necessary , however i susggest u on your skimmer and have a powerhead to circulate your water . mixed your water to a specific gravity of 1.021- 1.025 ( temp dependent) using at least a swing arm hydrometer. just siphon the worms out if they are dead .
  16. tangs are very greedy creature . why dont u try to wean them into eating by offering brine shrimp or mysis first. after a while , they will eat almost everything . it also depend on each's individual character. give it a while to adjust it's new environment .
  17. snails are readily available in everywhere . i stay in the northeast. normally i go pasir ris fish farm and Aquamarine.
  18. oh my God .... that a real beau in my own opinion.
  19. oh i mean u can buy some turbo snail to control the hairy algae on the rocks.
  20. oh man ... to think that my galfriend keep asking mi to see the AT .
  21. look clean and neat. but i think ur rocks are a bit hairy. maybe snails? ur scaping look good with the caves and mini hideout. share ur water parameter with us ??
  22. read this from a book and thought it might interest some of you. Concentrations of trace elements and unwanted wastes are reported in ppm. if a 'part' in ppm refers to 1 gram, then ppm will refer to gram per million grams. as long as the ' parts ' are identical units , then using 'ppm' is accurate. the term mg/L is a measure of mixed king of parts. milligrams ( weight )and Liter ( volume). It is inaccurate to refer as 1mg/L as 1 ppm. Here's why. One Liter of natural sea water has a mass of approximately 1.025 Kg/L. Pure water at 4 degree celcius has a density of 1.0000 or 1 Kg/L. if you measure nitrite in seawater from a marine aquarium and the value on the test kit kit is '1.00' ( either as nitrite ion 0r nitrite-nitrogen) , what the test report is 1.00 mg/L. This means that each liter or water contains 1.00mg of the substance. This same value, 1.00mg/L if reported in ppm, would actually be 0.9756ppm. that is because 1.00mg/L is equavalent to 1 mg per(1 liter X 1.025 Kg/L); or 1 mg per 1.025 Kg; or 0.98ppm The difference is only 2.5 %.but it is a real difference . better quality test kits usually report results in mg/L and not in ppm. --Marine Reef Aquarium Handbook by Dr. Robert J. Goldstein
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