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Everything posted by hammy

  1. haha... i would say AM skimmer is one of the best . using biostar flotor for my nano. extremly great result.
  2. ya , might have some tang there . lotsa croceas , star polyp, atlantic , RG , small ultra maxima
  3. never see them chase each other b4 just my luck that my flame has yet to nib at coral .
  4. another family potrait of the five fishes changes the position of the seio of that i have better view from the front
  5. the colouration of my zoo is better after i cange my tube to deltec
  6. colouration of my zoo is better after changing my tubes to D-D aquablue
  7. Sea Fans are similar to soft corals, however they anchor themselves in mud or sand instead of attaching themselves to hard substrates. Some Sea Fans require up to 8 inches of sand. Most Sea Fans are nocturnal, only extending their polyps during the nighttime hours. They consume plankton and require strong currents to carry their food. - extracted from liveaquria.com seafan so do u think they consume plankton?
  8. no harm skimming even with air stone skimmer. i would say better than nothing
  9. a FR helps to increase the contact surface of the phosphate removal such as ROwaphos and phosguard, thus increase the efficiency and value of the product u buy. minimum wastage . is FR a must , IMO , i dun think so , there are product like ROWAsponge which help to remove phosphate too , although some claimed it is not as effective as ROWAphos itself . look into like ur flow and ur lighting in the tank can help to lessen the algae problem. generally nitrate and phosphate are fertilizer for algae
  10. a pair of clown will make great residents there . what u intent to keep?
  11. used to have it in every individual pack . small one or big one . why dun you try to buy the individual pack and not the whole pail ? but i have change to marine environment .
  12. the only proven medication is copper and the proven method is hypo. to keep your main tank ich free , u can employ ozone or UV to control , not eliminate totally try to read the pinned thread on ich
  13. just change my tubes to both D-D aquablue plus , would say is definately better than all the brand i have used
  14. that stuff is great. but dun overdose it as it is very concentrated . BTW i am using that too , together with my DT. save cost a bit
  15. T5 8W is a NO tube ya ? nice DIY , if the teeth of the overflow is neatly cut , it will be perfect .
  16. i set my temp at 26. i think my tank vol is about 60-70 litres.
  17. then is the price of the coral exorbitant too ?
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