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Everything posted by PowderTang

  1. Frag plugs - 20+ pieces ( some are by Maxspect) $10 big lobster $20
  2. PM me if you have one to let go
  3. Just finished washing it to the best of my ability picture here is the 1/2 roll will throw in one more free roll
  4. This is the biggest size one my tank is currently 5 feet
  5. Picture is the half used fleece still have 1 more brand new fleece to giveaway
  6. Comes with 1/2 used fleece roll and 1 brand new fleece roll ClariSea SK5000 Selling at $400
  7. 4 bottles on the left: rather full 2 bottles on the right : half full Selling as a set! $45
  8. Also looking for normal clownfishes from reefers
  9. Anyone letting go stable Angels, please propose thanks
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