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Everything posted by dinGdinG

  1. agreed on red sea aiptasia x.. besides, great fun & satisfaction to see them implode after application! lol
  2. Yup. So far its reef safe for me. Touch wood...
  3. hey bro, you can also try polyp lab biospheres in the compartment before your skimmer.. works well for me with weekly wc, nirates have been 0 for the past 1 month or so for me.. As for the skimmer, i agree with you that you should get an overkill skimmer, I will also recommend a hang on back skimmer for your ios as that will free up alot of space in your ios for filtration media or a mini refugium etc etc You can also consider having 1 pump instead of 2 as it will reduce the heat generated from 2 pumps.. If the space in your ios permits and the height of your tank is not too high, you can go for a ehiem compact 1000 pump to your chiller and your chiller outlet to your dt.. This will again free up some precious space in our nano ios I feel that keeping things effective, simple & neat will let you enjoy the hobby much more
  4. yeap thats what i am thinking too.. its a delicate balance to have a high nutrients tank when my tank is so small, i am sure it is safer to keep those parameters at 0 and work harder to feed it regularly..
  5. i think less light for it can be achieved easily just by shading it.. about having high nutrients.. I am still quite confused over it.. because now i am all out to keep my water pristine and my ammonia, nirite, nirate and phosphate is always 0 when i test it weekly.. does that mean my water is lacking of nutrients? Thats what i think.. However, I am making up by feeding them once or twice a week.. Back to the nutrients part, isit possible to achieve a high nutrients water condition and have a reading of 0 for ammonia, nirite, nirate and phosphate?
  6. Bro, if I'm not wrong, butterflies are not reef safe.. Don't let it ruin your hard work!!
  7. I can really imagine the amount of effort and $$$ you put into your tank bro.. Simply amazing.. Thumbs ups for you!!
  8. I was having the same combination in my tank too and my skunk shrimp just KIA yesterday lol.. but i still do not know the cause of it though, i doubt the murderer is my randall pistol because they basically have different stronghold requirements.. pistol is in the sand 99% of the time and my skunk shrimp is up in the rocks 90% of the time.. just my guess..
  9. Hey bro, what lights are you using? Probably your lights are too intense, too bright for the hammer.. try lowering the intensity or putting it lower.. happened to mine too.. i find that my purple hammer is fine with both high and moderate, but the green one cannot take too high intensity.. i am still doing some trial and error too.. You should do some testing on the lights intensity too..
  10. Wow nice fishes bro, so jealous of your anthias! My dream fishes!
  11. Hi bro,pmed you on your maxspect if you are keen to deal seperately. Thanks
  12. Hi bro, I am also using the maxspect glaive.. you will need to increase the intensity of the light to take better pictures..
  13. Wow! Thats a stunning anemone for your clownfishes! But it looks like it is capable of blocking up your entire overflow huh? Got to keep an eye on it i guess..
  14. I paired it with a pistol from the beginning, well quite the same issue, i rarely see the both of them.. LOL
  15. Thanks bro, shall have some patience then!
  16. Dear reefers~~~! Just wondering if any of you keep a yellow watchman goby? Care to share your experiences with it? I had mine for close to 2 months and i have only seen it out of its cave twice... When it is out, it will behave aggressively on its own, seems to be fighting itself right in front of the tank (I assume it is seeing its own reflection..) It was my first fish and I have since added a firefish and 2 clownfish, all 3 of them very active and eating very well but i have never ever seen my watchman eating (although it looks fat when I have the luck to see it that 2 times..) I have even rescued it from my IOS once!! Totally no idea how it got there I purposely overfeed all the time and leave pieces of mysis and pellets just outside its cave, probably thats why it is still fat.. Any fellow reefers with similar experience? What should i do to encourage him to be more sociable like the other fishes I have currently?
  17. Oops, sorry sis fishcake... I have to stop calling everyone bro.. LOL
  18. Dont give up bro! This hobby is indeed full of disappointments BUT its full of joy at the same time too! I believe every successful reefer has his fair share of disappointments.. Just keep reefing~!
  19. Oooo nice.. is the pic taken under blue lights? Cant wait to have this candy apple in my tank!
  20. Damn! Didnt realise it was you bro! Lol
  21. Bro did u mix up the names? Lol Just find that the super yellow looks totally green and the super green has got yellow trims.. just curious.. haha
  22. You may have a zoa pox issue.. I may be wrong.. you can check this out.. http://www.zoaid.com/articles004.php
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