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Everything posted by dinGdinG

  1. Me la! but paiseh I not in North area...
  2. bro u mean your mushrooms detached from the rocks it came with? your flow too strong? mushrooms cant take high flow. reposition it at a low flow area. or best if u can reduce your flow? grab the loose ones and place it near the rocks u want it to be and pray that it will attached itself to the rock.. What hairy mushrooms btw? got pic?
  3. reef building still in progress... zoas bay still in construction! Frags taking Q number FTS 21042015 Like finally decided to clean my IOS! Half pail of ice milo! Now it looks sparkling clean, simply shiokness The time i enjoy the most is when my reef is under moonlight mode.. Everything just glows and its pure therapy for my mind after a long day at work, reefing rocks
  4. Time for frags hunting bro~! u need some frags?
  5. Wow! Good lobang there! Is that an app u using bro? Yeah having a sump will be the best option.
  6. Hi bro, top filter meaning those that is normally used for fresh water tanks? It may not be feasible in the long run if you intend to keep corals as you may have an issue with your placement of lights, lighting is a one of the critical components to consider if you wanna keep corals, esp sps. Furthermore your width is 1.5ft, im guessing your top filter will take up about 0.5ft already? Perhaps you can consider an eternal filter from eheim? Just spend more time on making sure your setup is ideal before starting. You can look at what livestock you will like to keep while cycling your tank which will normally take about a month or so.
  7. Keep the pictures coming bro! Can we do a chat group gathering at your place next time? I will bring along my ziplock bags, bone cutter and dremel set for Patrick! Heehee
  8. That's some crazy PE your sps having!! 6 month old tank sounds impossible!
  9. Offer you bam bam u don't want.....
  10. Size: 4inch by 2.5inch! Quick sale: chalice for $30! Please PM me for other info! Clearing space to rescape!
  11. Hi bros, I am letting go of one Chalice i got from GO. Pic as provided. Price: $40 (foc a 1 inch jade green digi frag OR a 2 inch purple digi frag ) Collection: Havelock road Collection day & time: Can be arranged Please PM me if interested. Thank you..
  12. Getting the Hanna checker will be easier then, I also lazy to test nowadays lol Your tank still look great with such heavy bio load bro!
  13. im guessing in general they will need high nutrients level to grow well? Those planted stuff are what most of the bros here keep to remove the nutrients in their water to keep our corals happy.. Lighting wise, they should not be very demanding as well.. I think it will be quite challenging as well for you to keep that marine planted tank if you do not wish for any nuisance algae because they do grow with similar requirements...
  14. I got mine from iwarna, can try..
  15. and i wonder whos that aeroplane king... hmmmm... :idea: :idea:
  16. Ok, I just got mine brand new with 2 years warranty.. hmmm..
  17. Thanks bro Yah, finally have time to update my tank thread. I am looking forward to your tank thread too. Or you already have one? Yes bro, Admiraltian is right. There is instructions with the bottle and you should follow it strictly for your dosage of the dip because some corals might be too sensitive and overdosing will kill it. We cant tell you exactly how much to use because the volume of water you use might be different, but for the duration, I usually go all the way to 15 mins to be sure, shake the coral every 5 mins and turkey blast it during the whole duration. Aim your turkey blaster at every hole you can see visually because thats where most of the pests will hide.
  18. Early morning poison! Looks like another antidote session soon! Damn!
  19. Coral rx is a dip for corals to get rid of the pests on them. May not work that well for big liverocks because the live rocks may have too many holes and holes may be quite deep in.. I wouldnt use it for liverocks at the end of the day..
  20. Thanks bro~! Working hard to keep it decent at the same time lol About time i inspire you on something huh? hahaha but its great fun to DIY if you have the time, i always enjoy some diy here and there, gives great satisfaction~! Try it out bro, led with t5 is awesome..
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