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Everything posted by dinGdinG

  1. Can't wait to see your tank all filled up bro! Exciting times ahead! What lights are you using btw?
  2. Great diy bro! I wish I have your diy skills!
  3. Nice! What's the first one bro??
  4. Due to my sub standard fragging skills and butter fingers.. I have 4 frags of smooth jazz zoas for sale with different number of polyps.. Well im not in this for a living.. 4 polyps frag x 1 3 polyps frag x 2 2 polyps frag x 1 Each frag will be $15. 1st pm received will get the 4 polyp frag. 4th pm received will get the 2 polyp frag plus a 1 inch pink salmon digitata. FCFS Collection: Havelock road PM if interested. Thanks!
  5. Nice tank bro~! You can check out the Zero rodi unit at madpetz or the crystal di unit. These 2 are the more commonly used ones. You should get one if you are really getting an upgrade soon. As for now, stop using tap water and go get the life distilled water for your water change, 12 bottles of 1.5 litres for $6 only. I have been using it for the past 9 months, so far so good As for your po4 test kits, go for the hanna checker, the most accurate po4 test kit imo.. Reef on~!
  6. Well like I said, it's up to the individual, where their passion lies, how determined they are, etc. I have also been an avid golfer for the past 6 years, funny I don't find myself spending 4 hours to complete a game. Maybe I should slow down and appreciate the scenery abit:D
  7. I dont think there is any competition between hobbies, its just a personal interest up to individual. Reefers have reefed for a long ass time with and without technology advancement. Its the passion.
  8. Its abit tough to answer your question bro. As it involves alot of other factors ie, the placement of your tank, whether the back of your chiller is still facing a wall? Ultimately it just have to be well ventilated esp the back of your chiller, that's where the hot air is from.
  9. Yeap I don't think you will only keep clownfishes too, esp if u visit LFS often. Lol There are a few other corals that clownfishes host on, hammer, frogspawn, and some even on Duncans. Anemones are the most common one but there are many types too. So you have to choose carefully.
  10. Hey bro, although 2ft away and a cabinet wall in between sounds ok but it's still advisable to place it somewhere well ventilated to disperse the heat. You also have to see if your chiller is of the right size for your tank if not it kicks in very often and the heat generated can be quite bad esp during our hot weather period.
  11. Hey bro, no worries. Let me know in the future if you want it
  12. Reserved, pending collection tonight. My apologies for not replying to all PMs...
  13. 2 inch by 1 inch frag. Selling for $15. Collection at Havelock Road. Pm to deal
  14. Colony sold and collected. Thank you for contributing towards my new tank funding!
  15. Reserved for viewing tonight
  16. Hi bro you can try two little fishies acropower (not classified as food though), colours and pe got better after i started using it and i dont feed anything to my sps except fish poo
  17. Selling for $450. FCFS. Please PM to deal or request for more info. Thank you.
  18. Perhaps presbyopia can be pretty challenging at times.....
  19. Long overdue purchase... should have bought it long long time ago... Hanna Checker! this will allow me to dose my Goodbye PO4 with confidence~!! Most improvement award for dinGdinG's reef goes to.... Finally some green coming out after dosing amino like siao, but this has also created an algae explosion. Lucky for me, my sea hare and yellow tang are always hard at work Have a great reefing weekend dear reefers~!
  20. Thanks for your time too, sorry if I made a mess in your balcony arranging the rocks! Ups for your nice rocks
  21. Hey bro thanks! I'm not sure what's bio Homme but I'm using ans filtration bio rings. I'm guessing it should be the same. Too many choices in the market but I'm not so into a particular brand because I think they work almost the same. Yah my second chamber is all bio rings, not sure if that's a lot though... I have seen more... But it's good to have more to house more bacteria My set up is quite simple and so far it works well for me Zeovit stones, activated carbon, the ans bio rings, microbacter 7, and my trusty deltec mce300
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