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Everything posted by expert

  1. A reef shark cost around 4-450 bucks. The bumping of tank only happens during acclimatize of the shark and after which, they get used to the tank after a few days and lightings are important for them during familiarization of their new home. They are not a messy eater. MP will do good. Sharks belongs to the ocean, if this is a statement, same goes to coral and marine fishes. size is one thing but taking good care of it like a pet is another. If you keep marine fish and coral but not taking care of it, any difference? Simple, want to save and protect, do it for all. And for baby reef shark, normal birth rate is around 5-8 babies per pregnancy. Usually est only around 3 will make it because the rest will either be eaten by their mom or other predators. This is their cycle. You may just save another one if you have a good tank and take really good care of it. The species that really need to keep moving is hammer head, not reef. Hammer will get drowned by the overturn of water current if they stop moving. In fact, you see reef resting at seabed sometime, of cause not always.
  2. Dear Bros and Sis, Recently started a new marine tank, cycled less than a week and bought quite a numbers of fishes and all contacted with ichs(All dead now). Did a 30% water changed, run for another 1 week and i bought some sharks than i realised the tank need to run empty for at least another 4 weeks to fully wipe out the ich. Was told that sharks are not easy prey for ich and so far so good. I know copper can kill but it will harm the sharks. Any good recommendation that i can kill the ich and not harm the shark?
  3. gotten some advice its cope pods. finally feeling relief its doing well. thanks bros for the good advice!
  4. thanks bros for the information
  5. Just did a water change. but i realize my whole tank are filled with small little white dots and it moves around. Can any bros advice wth is all this?
  6. All my fishes are wipe out Got to start from zero again..
  7. Thank bros for the advice. Realize most or vessel ornament looks cartoon. By the way, any info for diver ornament than? i had been looking for weeks even to many shops but none selling. All i can find is from amazon or ebay which selling in usd and the price is not worth for a piece of plastic.
  8. and the rate of evaporation seems to be too fast too. normal?
  9. Yes i did put in dead rocks. The fish that contacted ich seems to be healing too. is the cycling doing fine? but i realize when i switch the lights off, after sometime all the fishes will have white patches on their body, but will go off once i on the light. should i keep the light running? not planning for any corals, just fishes.
  10. Thank all bros for the advice. Its a 6ftx2.5x2.5 tank. Lion dead yesterday i did dose bacteria. and yes skimmer is running. live rocks will create a lot of unwanted algae and pest?
  11. Dear Bros, I recently started a new tank with no live rocks, 3 packs of coral chips. Bought sea water on 16 sept, run for 4 days after which i bought few big fishes, star fishes, snails. Now one of the fish contacted with ich but the rest still look ok, lion very restless. Any good advice? Only than i know i shouldn't put so much fish at one go.
  12. Dear Bros, I bought a new fish and after one day realized it contacted with ich. My tank is a new setup. should i take the fish out to does med or does the entire tank?
  13. Dear Bros, Anyone have any idea where can i get ship ornament for decoration that is marine safe and submersible?
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