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Lee Khim Ann

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Everything posted by Lee Khim Ann

  1. the cleaner shrimp is just trying to clean the goby. some fish might not like being cleaned (my maroon clown hates it) and might retaliate but it is not counted as aggression as the cleaner shrimp has no intention to harm the goby
  2. Arnd $170. I bought at madpetz during moving out sale for $120. Can find at F&M and maybe AM
  3. Too much flow? Fluctuating perimeters? Shrimp or fish pestering it? Temperature not right? Many reasons why duncan never open but for duncan to open very big ur water must be just nice. I suggest doing a water change first and observe for the next few days. Or u can blast some mysis water outside it. Sometimes the duncan sense the food will open up because hungry
  4. Tweezers for market prawn and turkey baster for mysis
  5. it will drop overtime but if you keep adding it will increase back. you should dechlorinate ur water before adding to tank first. will reduce your algae growth by a lot. my first tank i used tap water every time and the algae was horrible. it made me get a new tank.
  6. RO/DI is a better alternative compared to tap water as it is low in nitrates/phospates. i heard boiled tap water would work too. i currently add ammonia detox by kent marine to dechlorinate my tap water before adding to tank.
  7. gsp is one of the easiest corals to frag. they don't start growing once you put them in until like a month. they grow pretty quickly. around 1-3 polyps per week
  8. Might be because of the phospates and nitrates too. You not using tap water right?
  9. 2months quite new. Common to have algae bloom. Most likely caused by the nutrient from left over food. Maybe you should cut down on feeding a little bit?
  10. Thanks. Tunze 9001 is indeed a good skimmer
  11. Im using the equipment stated above and this is my 35cm x 35cm x 35cm tank
  12. HOB filter i recommend fluval c2. Light i recommend cherryaqua inano or maxaspect. Chiller not very necessary as the tank is quite small. Fan is sufficient. Save up that extra money for corals. For skimmer i feel that it is necessary. Recomend tunze 9001
  13. I have some rhodactis up for sale. Pm me if interested
  14. How old is your tank? You can keep blasting them using turkey baster. I dose using fauna marin nutri reduc. Now my algae growth rate nearly 0.
  15. Actually no need to be worried since it is in that jar already! Just throw it away to play safe!
  16. Actually any meaty food would do. Feeding LPS is like feeding an anemone
  17. Chopped up market prawn or mysis is fine
  18. Thanks for the offer but managed to get my hands on some golden gloves from GO last sunday
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