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Edmund Koh

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Everything posted by Edmund Koh

  1. Haha! Ya man .. I'm at the suffering stage now. Thinking of doing a major revamp of my tank and rethink through all my plans again. The original plan was flawed. Lol
  2. Haha! U say urs small. Mine Lagi small. I just managed to squeeze a biopellet reactor in. Anyways .. I read somewhere that biopellets takes 4-6 weeks to become useful. So got to consider this especially when adding new biopellets. Cannot wait till kosong already then add
  3. Eh .. That's really dependent on how well ur Refugium is exporting nitrates and phosphates. This exportation is done when u grow and harvest macroalgae in large quantities. So if your exportation is enough to match the amount produced in your tank, then biopellets is not needed.
  4. Hmm.. What about switching the entire orientation of the sump. Where the return takes the smallest section and the biggest section can house filter bags and biopellets reactor.
  5. =X shall think about how I can add in my phos remover. Hmm.. On a side note. I have a feeling my spongebob set will have to go soon. My Yellow tang is nibbling algae off it and the next thing I see is the white naked resin. Hope the paint is not poisonous to it.
  6. Haha! Dun say young children. My gf asked for a Moorish Idol and I only have a 50L tank. Then she asked for a Trigger fish. Lol!
  7. Bro, put ur biopellets reactor in the compartment where the skimmer is and put the skimmer where the return pump is. Bioplellets reactor usually discharge excess bacteria that's why it is always advised to put the reactor output to where the skimmer is. Else u will be pumping back a lot of these excess bacteria into your main tank.
  8. Seems to fit the Pictures of Munnid Isopods
  9. Sorry people .. Missed out on leaving my contact number. Pm me or drop me an sms or whatsapp at 81331406. Both Iceprobe and temp controller have been rewired and have their old/dirty parts cleanrd or replaced with similar but better parts. Current condition as good as new and in plug and play condition. Bundle price: $190 Individual price: Iceprobe $140 Will only sell controller if Iceprobe is sold.
  10. Head over to AM if u drive. It's just 10mins drive from Sereangoon. I was there a few hours ago and they have quite a few on sale
  11. Haha! Great minds think alike. I read it about an hour ago. thanks anyways
  12. Nope haven't checked the phosphate levels will do some checks soon. Haha! Didn't buy Patrick's house
  13. Hmm.. Guess I will just have to slowly cultivate my bacteria and hopefully all these algae will disappear.
  14. That's like 1/4 of the size of my tank. Cannot la ... Lol
  15. Haha now tank glass filled with algae. Somemore it's those that cannot be scrapped off kind. Just got myself a secondhand arctica chiller and a Skimz BR80. Shall all them either tonight or tomorrow night. Hmm.. Any idea why is my algae bloom so terrible despite me using RO/DI water. Somemore I use a close loop RO/DI process where the water is filtered till zero reading before I mix the salt in.
  16. Haha! Like they said .. Anemone walks everywhere. Hmm.. It's not going to be easy to get it to stay or sometimes after staying there for 2 wars suddenly decided that's not a good enough place and move again.
  17. Some say on refuge lights alternate to the main lights. So wen main lights on, off refuge lights. When main lights off, on refuge lights. Some say on together with main lights and off with main lights. But 24/7 abit too much. Plants need to rest too so got to give them some downtime
  18. Iceprobe is back up for sale again. Iceprobe is still currently in used in my tank and in very good working condition. No scratches on the probe itself and the heatsink is cleaned. Iceprobe alone: $140 neg Iceprobe and temp controller bundle: $190
  19. If u have fishes like Dragonets and Mandarins that are fussy eaters. The benefits outweigh the trouble.
  20. Can't remember if it was $8 or $12. Somewhere there.
  21. Hi PowderTang, the starfish have been with me for a week and 2 days. Still doing as well as before though there was once or twice I thought the body felt very soft and limp rather than the usual hard and solid. Kinda think it's the temperature causing this to happen. During the time he was limp and soft, the temperature was around 30. The cooling weather these days have helped to bring the temperature down to 25-26.
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