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Everything posted by reeshee

  1. SKIMZ Skimmer. SKIMZ DC Skimmer SN127DC with remote control. $99. 948 nine 7372
  2. Right click the link and open in new tab if you can't open it. Else just search in shoppe or Whatsapp me to deal. Thanks
  3. Hi reefers! Clarisea replacement filter fleece for SK3000 and SK5000! Longer than the ones you buy in store by 10m~ Lasts longer and less frequent changes. So far all my customers are repeat orders Gen 2 and Gen 3 compatible. Super Jumbo Size! 50M per roll! Value for money as I know how fast we use these rolls. Order now!! https://shopee.sg/product/376615/23950643875/ 948nine737two
  4. Selling for $45. Cleaned and ready to go. Comes with the hanging mount as well. 948 nine 737 two. Thanks
  5. Hi reefers! Clarisea replacement filter fleece for SK3000 ($13.80) and SK5000 ($23.80) Gen 2 and Gen 3 compatible. Super Jumbo Size! 50M per roll! Value for money as I know how fast we use these rolls. Order now!! https://shp.ee/1iiwue5 948nine737two
  6. Hi guys, selling my yellow anemone that I just bought a few days ago from ABA for $65. RFS: I dont like it anymore. $45 9489 7 three 72
  7. Hi reefers! Clarisea replacement filter fleece for SK3000 ($13.80) and SK5000 ($23.80) Gen 2 and Gen 3 compatible. Super Jumbo Size! 50M per roll! Value for money as I know how fast we use these rolls. Order now!! https://shp.ee/1iiwue5 948nine737two Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. SOLD Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Yup, text me: 94897three72 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. I bought 2. Used 1 also havnt finish. Water is cleared up of debris and sand. Good for picking up floating particles esp if you disturb the sand bed. Bought for $23. Selling $15. Contact me: 9489 7three72
  11. Letting for for $110. Shops sell $145
  12. Have a difficult fish to catch? Keep hiding in rocks? Try this. With patience you can catch the bugger. I don’t have a use for it already. Condition is 9.5/10. Still in original box. Contact me: 9489 seven372
  13. They sleep in little caves in the rock work. Tough to surprise them
  14. So far no one lei. Haha.. I’m waiting.
  15. Later my flame angel hungry.. he go eat my prata for breakfast how..
  16. Sure, can WhatsApp me 948nine7372. Let’s arrange a fishing session.
  17. Tools available for you: Isolation box Fishing hooks and line with sinker Nyos fish trap
  18. I will PAY $50 to the champion who can catch my 3 damsels without moving my rockwork or destroying any of my lifestock / corals. $50 cash and you can take the 3 rascals with you.
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