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Sachin Dev

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Everything posted by Sachin Dev

  1. Pardon my ignorance but where and what is TFC and where is Ah Beng located?
  2. Pardon my ignorance but where is this ah beng guy?
  3. many different schools of thought here by the experts! I have a FOWLR setup on a 5x2.5x2.5ft tank - it is virtually impossible to net fish out. would hypo then be the wisest choice with controlled feeding of Dr G's? [ tank occupants --> large angels / dwarf angels / tangs ] [ without upsetting the biological filtration part ] thanks in advance!
  4. Hi all. Hope i am posting in the right place! I am looking for Naso Blonde Tang of any size and Atlantic Blue Tang of any size. Do let me know if you are letting go. Fish must be free of diseases and in good condition.Do PM me. Thanks in advance![emoji6]
  5. Lols..would definitely want to try..lets see[emoji6]
  6. lol - yes bro! no particular reasons for 2 return pumps - but earlier I had a UV sterilizer running through one pump while the other was direct. the UV broke down and I had to rerun the piping to the main tank. also - in case one fella decides to screw up on me - there is still another pump running!
  7. hi bro - yes - I have a shallow sand bed.. also because I have underflow in the tank which is about 6 cm from the base of the tank. I do get a bit of sand getting blown of in some 'blind spot' areas but nothing major. my wavemakers are set at the top right and left corners [ a bit visible in the video ] and pointed towards inclined middle.
  8. Livestock Updates --> Powder Blue Tang Purple Tang[M] Regal Blue Tang[M] Sohal Tang[L] Yellow Tang[L] Asfur Angel Adult Blue Angel Blue Face Angel[M] Blue Lip Angel Blue Ring Angel Adult Emperor Angel Adult[M] Gray Angel Adult[M] Koran Angel Sub Adult[M] Maculosus Angel White Stripe Adult[XL] Majestic Angel Adult[M] One Earspot Angel Adult[L] Lemon Peel[M] Flame Hawk[L] Golden Strip Maroon Pair Spotted Poma Angel with Yellow Tail Adult[M] HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND ALL - HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!
  9. my biohomme is just after the filter wool [ if you had seen the vid ] - which I would say at medium flow rate.
  10. thanks bro - tank is in fact very young. just did an ammonia test yesterday - relieved to see it at zero - which means I am quite nicely supported by the 25 kgs of biohomme plus in my sump. water change - as mentioned - intend to make it a monthly affair of about 25 %. not adding any new fishes for at least the next few months - got to recover from the damaged pockets first!! but would love to add the Achilles tang and a queen angel.. and perhaps a juvenile clown triggerfish!! [ my wishlist ]
  11. hi bro - not so much of maintenance as yet - but am sticking to a strict regime for a start.. water salinity is now maintained at 1.020 . every 3 days - I top up aged water . intend to do 25% water change every month. feeding is pellets and done twice a day - so quite controlled. fishes were bought from a decomming hobbyist who had taken care of fish well.
  12. hi bro - yes - tank has been cycling for about 3 weeks prior. when you say setup - you referring to the sump? if yes - then its running on a deltec SC2060 skimmer with 2 return pumps [ eheim 1262 and 1264 ] . tank size is 5x2.5x2.5ft. 2 wp40 jebao wavemakers in the main tank and that's it!
  13. hi friends - I just setup this tank - its barely a month old! thank you for all the + comments!
  14. hi friends - pretty much a newbie around here. just painstakingly setup a FOWLR system after substantial reading up and advice from friends and would like to share my joy!! would appreciate your constructive advice! http://youtu.be/HCRM1gn1Bwk
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