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Everything posted by hwcheong

  1. I am thinking keep the coral chip and remove the bio ring and ball? Do I need to remove the coral chip as well?
  2. thanks bro for all the advice... appreciate
  3. Wonder if this will cause no3 spike ?
  4. Hi, I am currently using bio ring and bio ball as bio filtering media. Thinking to replace it with live rock. Is this advisable? if yes, how should I go about doing this? should I remove little by little? or can I just remove all the ring and ball replaced with LR? thanks
  5. I have a coral beauty angel but it doesn't seem like get rid those anemone..
  6. they grow very fast in my sump area... can pepermint shrimp really effective for getting rid of that. they are growing on the sand, lr and glass of my tank... im sump area there are growing on the micro algae....
  7. hi all, Sometime ago I bought some micro algae from a lfs. I realise there are couple of Aiptasia Anemone come with the Micro algae. at that time I wasn't know that was harmful pest until recently i read a article abt this. Initially it was in my sump and recently I think it pass thru the filter and now reside in my main tank. seems like getting more. Is this really unwanted pest in marinte tank? any problem with that or how can we get rid of this? Thanks
  8. Hi, I heard seahare will get rid of the hairy green algae, is that true? Also any idea how much is the price for that? If I have hermit crab, snail. Can I still add seahare into my tank? Thanks
  9. Hi, I got a button, recently I notice it not open anymore and some starting to melt. Any advice from all expert here? thanks
  10. But will sea hare disturb the coral? If the hairy algae is growing on the live rock. can sea hare help?
  11. the hairy algae is quite long,I think abt 1cm long... can sailfin get rid of this?
  12. Hi, my live rock grow a few bunch of green hairy algae, may I know how can I get rid of this. Now is looks like grass on the rock....
  13. Hi, Wonder Lavender Tang can mixed with YT,Blue Tang or Other Tang? I currently have LT, thinking to keep another Tang in my 4 ft tank... thanks in advance for your help.
  14. Can Lavender Tang mix with other tangs?
  15. but my experience , those fish in my tank is too aggreesive for the newcomer when I feed them.
  16. Can I seperate a space by net and let it be quarantine for a week or so, as I afraid it might not get feeded as current fish is very fast when I feed them, scare it might not able to get the food..
  17. Anyon can advice what kind of food can dip with Garlic supplement?
  18. my tank is abt 6 months old, ls were transfered from old tank. 4 damsels, 3 clowns,1 angel . 1 poly, 1 plata, 1 bubble and 1 button.
  19. I tried yellow tang but infected by ich. wonder how can I get rid of ich.
  20. 4 ft tank with clowns, angel, damsel ,bubble, poly and button.
  21. Hi all, i would like to get a tang, may i know which type of tang is not so prone to ich? Regards, Hsi wai
  22. Hi, Anyone know abt golden angel fish. Is this reef safe? and how much is this kindd of fish? anyone have any idea? thank you
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