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Everything posted by hwcheong

  1. Hi, does coral rely on good lighting to grow. My tank new to windows and morning time light from windows shine on my tank and my hammer open well. but reach 6 or 7 pm even with 2 lights on, the hammer start close... so please advise if you know. Anything wrong with my tank setup?
  2. Hi, just wonder wht to feed doctor fish. I dun know whether any fish called "Doctor Fish" this is called by the fish shop staff.
  3. What lavel of the PH and KH I should maintain in order to growth the coral? and not harm to the fish. I am current having 3 feet tank. with 20 KGs Liverock. Keeping 1 clown fish and 3 damsel. Anybody can advise on this. Also possible to have 2 clownfish in same tank as I tried but next day another passed away... suspect bully by another clown fish...
  4. What is the good parameter which will not affect my current fishes? no idea which type of coral to get. Any suggestion for a beginner like me? And any good shop for coral?
  5. Hi, I heard that Marine tank KH have to be kept at 8. Is that correct. If it is not kept in 8, wht will happened? And if I increase the KH, will it cause any other problem like PH, and NO2? Thanks in advance
  6. Hi, I am new to this. I am currently keeping fish only. Wonder can I put coral in my tank. Will it affect the water?
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