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Everything posted by hwcheong

  1. Hi, Wonder any LFS selling scallop?
  2. hi, I heard the white spot on my Tang can be cured by putting in a doctor fish, is this true?
  3. i want to remove it from the tank, but it stick on the rock, maybe I pull too hard, then the tube break, left the worm in the hole of the rock. Any way I saw the feather grow back already, think the tube will grow also..
  4. U meant it will grow the tube again.. So i can throw away the original tube? The feather? I dun quite get wht u meant regarding the feather. Could u please explain to me. thank you.
  5. Hi, I have a tube worm which I accidently break the tube and the worm still stick on the live rock and still alive.. May I know will this worm cause any harm to the LS in the tank? Should I remove it?
  6. Hi , Will Coral Banded Shrimp attack other LS. I saw my shrimp try to attack my Angel. Is this shrimp harm other fishes in tank?
  7. Hi, I have a 3 ft tank abt 6 months, now having 3 damsel, 1 clown, 1 dotty back, 1 coral beauty angel and a shrimp.. Any recommendation what fish can be added in?
  8. I didn't introduce any more damsel but only a yellow tang rececntly... but it doesn;t intefere with damsel at all.
  9. I have a Yellow tail damsel and a Blue damsel in a tank for 6 months already, both are fine all the time until these 2 days these 2 fish keep fighting, and I can see both injured. Why is that so? is there anything wrong with the tank?
  10. but I put letuce into the tank, My yellow tank never touch it. Why?
  11. I introduce a new Yellow Tang but already 2 week is ok. Only few days ago.
  12. I have a clown fish for abt 6 months already, only yesterday it start hiding under a hammer. and I notice it's mouth keep opening which is abnormal. Anyone can give me some idea what has happened to it. also it dun eat whatever I feed which is very abnormal to it. Thank you
  13. Sorry, can anyone tell me what is the "red bamboo algae"?
  14. hi , may I know wht to feed a yellow tang?
  15. Is Angel rely on algae to survive. I got one when I feed the fish, it always hid inside. Is this fish just rely on algae to survive? or how can I feed it.
  16. So any product used to keep your water clear?
  17. hi all, Anyone use the Pure Liquid or Geoliquid before, fish shop told me that both are the same. wonder whether is true. Anyone can advise.
  18. Hi , May know what to feed Angel as I brought 1 back 2 days ago. But it didn't anything till now. Anyone can help?
  19. I using AZOO test kit.. KH is 5 drop now. So from the instruction mentioned every 40L with 5ml. So 3 ft tank I drop abt 20ml into the tank. But after drop 2-3 days . I measure the KH, it's still around 5-6 drop. So it seems like doesn't increase mah.
  20. Hi, Is anyone know for 3 ft tank, how much should I drop per day if I am using Sera KH in order to increase the KH figure?
  21. Hi Bro, I have LR problem also. previously my lf grow with coralline algae, but now the coraline algae turn into white color. what could be the cause of this? Thanks HW
  22. Thanks for the info. So it meant that is normal. Change water every week? Normally I change once a month. About 10-20% of the water. Do you normally absorb out all those dirty stuff in in the sandbed?
  23. Anyone have the picture of cleaning shrimp? I am quite new to this. Sorry ...
  24. Hi, I set up my tank for about 4 months. Recently the salinity level always increase till 1.03 level. Every night I increase the water level. but second day water reduce and I test the salinity level, increase again. So is this normal?
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