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Everything posted by Obito

  1. I think salinity and temperature are alao very important for invertebrates. Did you dose any copper into your tank before?
  2. Chill, its only a thought. Never say i'm gonna keep what. Most likely going for chromis. Prefer their colouration.
  3. Maybe you can try to post on 'Swop Shop'. Saw a few bros/sis posted there on giving away free chaetos.
  4. I think for angelfish, water quailty is very very important. Used to keep an emperor angelfish 3 years ago when i just started my first ever tank. Didn't read up much and added a emperor angelfish in, after a few days, its colour started to fade and in the end it died. So yeah, i suggest to read up more about angelfish and let your water be more matured by then its safe to add a emperor angelfish. Just my personal experience and opinion.
  5. Heart a little itchy for small school of golden trevally.
  6. Alright thanks guys, think that i will just get a small school of chromis.
  7. No worries bro! Mine is a FOWLR set up. And bro, wish your tank get better and better!
  8. Really love your rock scape. Nice and neat and lots of swimming space. Will try to mimic yours!
  9. Wonder will chromis pick on others fishes that i have inside my tank right now.
  10. Yeah, I think that chromis is nice. When they are swimming around. Guess I will see if there's any others fishes that i should keep, if not i will go with 5-6 chromis.
  11. You need to have 100post count in order to post at the pasar malam thread. Maybe try asking bros from here to help you post and list down your contact number?
  12. Do they swim around? Cause have 3 pajama cardinal they tend to like stone at one corner.
  13. Hi, I'm looking for small fishes that will do well in a school for my fowlr. Wanted to get chromis but after reading about them, they tend to kill one another if there is no threat inside the tank. Anyone keep 5 or above chromis can clarify? Prefer fishes that always swim then hiding. Any advice? Thanks.
  14. Hi, looking for Refractometer must be in good working condition. also looking for salifert ph test kit and bacteria dosing additives Please contact me at 9237 4294 (no calls thanks)
  15. I think better don't add lionfish even if it is a very small one. Soon it will grow up then your chromis will be a meal for him/her.
  16. Saw a pair of dragon moray eel at Iwarna from their japan shipment around 2030hrs.
  17. Photos are availabls upon request via whatsapp.
  18. Hi, want to trade some live/dead rocks for some fish pellet. Not sure if it's live or dead cause left it out outside from yesterday. Got a few kgs. Range from small - medium size. Collection: Boon Lay area. (The rocks are in a Styrofoam box but best if you bring your own pail) Contact: SMS/Whatsapp 9237 4294
  19. Nice tank. May i know whats the damage for the queen angelfish?
  20. Anyone have the above mentioned tank? Thanks!
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