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  1. Update: Gem tang sold Left with humu picasso triggerfish (price reduced to $30) Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  2. Letting go both healthy and stable fish. Gem Tang: feeding on pellet, mysis, brine and seaweed. Size about 9cm (mouth to tail). Letting go at $750 **current received offer at $600** Humu Picasso Triggerfish: feeding on pellet, mysis and brine. Size about 4-5cm. Letting go at $35. Please note that sizes are roughly gauge so there might be some slight +/- Please PM only if you are interested. PM with your mobile no, thanks! Collection at west area.
  3. Around 8-9cm Stable and eating very greedily Diet consist of pellet, frozen brine shrimp, frozen mysis and nori seaweed. Price $260 Self collect at west area. Bring own bag and net to catch. PM if interested Alternately looking to trade for tangs. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  4. Looking for Nitrate, PH, calcium and refractometer now. Preferably located at west area
  5. Am looking for PH, Ammonia, nitrate and nitrite test kit. If any kind reefer selling cheap or giving it away can let me know.
  6. Looking for 2 - 3 ft tank with ios built in. Best if you have full set. (e.g light, skimmer, refractometer , test kit and etc) Please PM me.
  7. Hi guys, firstly, happy CNY to everyone. I'm new to corals but previously had experience with FOWLR set-up. So have a few question. Planning to come back to this reefing hobby, so most probably gonna set up a 2-3 ft IOS tank. Can you guys recommend me some nice corals for beginner? And can you guys please leave the rough gauge for the price? Thank you so much. Not sure if i can include a skimmer/chiller in a this new set-up that i'm gonna do. So hopefully someone can recommend some hardy corals that don't require chiller. Might get a chiller though but still thinking about it. Do you recommend to get one for a small tank?
  8. Looking for 2.5 ft - 2 ft fish tank, best is full set with cabinet, filter and etc. If you are giving away one, do let me know too! Looking for used and cheap. Planning to set-up a small marine tank. If any kind soul have a cheap set or want to give away, please let me know via PM, thank you!
  9. Looking for 2.5 ft below fist tank, best is full set with cabinet, filter and etc. If you are giving away one, do let me know too! Looking for used and cheap. Planning to set-up a small marine tank. If any kind soul have a cheap set or want to give away, please let me know via PM, thank you!
  10. 1) Atman at-104 submersible pump. Asking price: $10 (Used on my 4ft tank) 2) Caribsea bufferplus PH buffer Used 10-20% Asking price: $15. Letting both go at $20. Interested parties. Please PM. Txs. Collection: West
  11. Left with 3) Atman at-104 submersible pump. Asking price: $10 (Used on my 4ft tank) 4) Caribsea bufferplus PH buffer Used 10-20% Asking price: $15. Letting both go at $20.
  12. Size around 15cm - 20cm without tail length. Diet: feeding on freshwater feeder shrimp and pellets. Price: $160. Collection will be done at West area. For more information sms/whatsapp 8660-1605 *Freshwater and saltwater are available*
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