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Everything posted by CestTresBon

  1. Wow looking good. Parameters spot on and sps is beautiful
  2. Hi new trio. I'm actally looking for colony. U happen to have any?
  3. It's been long since I updated. Nothing changed expect added one more led unit and also dosing fm color ce.
  4. wah youdunnome. Lucky guy. Good catch there
  5. Thanks alot for the comment. Hope the color will get better and better each day:)
  6. 2week with fm color element and sps is coloring up nicely together w my 165w led unit:)
  7. So far so good. Led working exactly the way I want it. Gonna add one more module soon. Anyone want to tag in let me know. Cheers and happy reefing:)
  8. Some update on my tank. Trying to take close shot with s5. Still can't capture the actual color. Sps all doing well
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