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Everything posted by mechgobi

  1. Hi going to start cycling... And found this in my live rock...? ghost shrimp does it in freshwater..is it sort of marine shrimp?? Had freshwater dip and removed a crab..but this creature seem to be resistive..even couldn't remove bristle worm by freshwater dip..
  2. Hi, On the way to start a 3ft tank, preparation is taking forever, now got dead coral rocks, but want to make sure its not coppered... so one of the reefer friend suggested, looking for polyfilter, the one at polyart is $16 for a 4x6 " Can some one give me a small pcs for couple of dollars, or any other suggestion to check for copper?? Right now the rocks are in fresh water dip.. !! Thanks
  3. Also, what is the lighting you are using ... both for display tank and ATS?
  4. Hi, any updates on how your tank coming?? Your experience with the Algae scrubber.. ? Is it effective?
  5. Thanks, wish to collect this saturday, staying in west.. so weekend possible?
  6. Hi, need cheato..or any macro algae, if anyone harvesting this week end, please let me know @ 81340340. Thanks
  7. Should be an amazing helper.. Do they feed on home greenery, if algae in the tank is exhausted .. may be like spirulina powder or lettuce etc., ?
  8. Beautiful.. any marine shop selling good quantity macro algae..? Looking for dragon breath red algea,,
  9. Hi, I am looking for dry coral rock/dead coral rock for my display tank scaping, could find only live rock in marine aquarium, been to lim chu kang... do any one know any place selling these.. or do any one have it for sale.. please let me know.. thank you.. Hoping to using live rock in sump and dry rock in display..
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