Hi all,
I was given this excellent skimmer by Rainbowsg who decomm her tank (regretfully) a few months back...
As I already had a skimmer, this additional skimmer served to aerate my tank even further, stabilising my pH at night...
Due to further modifications in my sump, I'm giving away this skimmer to someone who needs it more than I do... A 有缘人 as Rainbowsg puts it...
This skimmer initially had a broken leg... Although I glued it back, it is still very very slightly wobbly, but does not compromise performance...
For further specifications, please refer to http://www.jnsaquaria.com/2007html/products/view.php?CatId=23&Model=CO-1〈=eng
I do have one request... Please do not sell this if you no longer want it... Give it to the next person who may need it more than you do...
Angel Keeper