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Everything posted by SubzeroLT

  1. Nice setup! Your lights are 10k which may be quite white. Do you plan to swap out to the 16k modules or something? I am using a similar skims overflow box. I notice that some air builds up inside after some time (from bubbles) if the flow rate is not high. Do check it visually. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. For 3ft tank, the recommendation is to get 2x Hydra 26 instead of 1x Hydra52. This is to allow more spread.
  3. Some green algae / bryopsis appeared among the zoa in the past month. It was just in this 2" patch & decided to stop it before it spread further. Used hydrogen peroxide (from Guardian Pharmacy) & syringe from Daiso. Turned off all my pumps. Squirted about 10ml worth of hydrogen peroxide directly among the zoa. Waited a couple of minutes, turned the pump back on. Then did my regular 20% water change half an hour later. 2 days later, the algae / bryopsis started to fade.. Its been 5 days since. Confirmed that the bryopsis is gone.
  4. Aquamarin has spiny star astrea. I've purchased from them on several occasions.
  5. Most mandarins eat only live food (eg. Brine shrimp or copopods). Much effort is needed to train them to feed on frozen food/pellets which is supposedly quite challenging. There are some success stories here but not many. Have you tried giving them live brine shrimps recently? Best to get them full first then slowly continue to train them on other food slowly.
  6. Flame scallop decided to make a journey from within the rocks on the right side of the tank to the left side of the tank. At least now I get to see it Acropora Valida Sand sifting star stacking up.... I don't understand why
  7. I've also been turning up the lighting slowly over the past 2 weeks. Most of the corals have a positive effect but some seems to have crossed a threshold. This is a pink pocci. The polyps started to retract when the Violet channel is tuned to about 80%. Tuned it down & moved the coral to a lower location. Hope it recovers.
  8. Magnesium levels have been consistently low & dropping. Brought it up close to 1400ppm with Brightwell Magnesion powder over the last week then added some magnesium medium into the calcium reactor to maintain it. Added a T joint to the calcium reactor to bleed off air trapped inside. Helps minimize the swishing sound when it re-circulates too. The skimz calcium reactor comes with a secondary chamber....in theory to raise the PH of the effluent. The incoming water to the reactor is about 26.5degC, 8.2pH. The pH probe in the reactor reads 6.6pH. The outgoing water from the reactor reads 7.4pH (the effect of the secondary chamber). Not that it makes a difference considering the volume of the tank, but just FYI
  9. Yeah. Looks like a serpent star. Great for clearing detritus or dead fish stuck in the rocks. Some folks spend good money to buy one. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. A lovely shot of your royal gamma. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Aquamarin hours : 11am - 10pm every day (including sunday & public holiday)
  12. Feeding pellets will generate less nitrates than frozen food. Or feed less. Agree with Admiraltian on getting more clean up crew. They do help. Hope you drip acclimatize them to improve survival rate.
  13. I used to have some hair algae but went away with lower phosphate / nitrates / light (intensity/period). What's your feeding regime like? Perhaps that could be cut down.
  14. Royal gamma is a nice colorful fish & remain small Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Good to know. Will try it Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  16. For the polypropylene (felt material) sock, I do the following - flip it inside out, rinse it under the tap or small bucket of water. Collect a few then - soak in some bleach (optional) - dump into washing machine for normal wash. Add bleach (optional) - Soak in anti chlorine if bleach is used (baxter powder brand is quite cheap) - Spin dry in washing machine If no bleach is used, the washing machine can have a funny smell.
  17. I change my filter socks every 3 days because they get clogged up & start to overflow. Accumulate a few then dump them in the washing machine.
  18. I understand that there is a need to have some phosphate in the system in order for the bacteria to consume nitrates. Ideally, it should be just barely detectable. Something called Redfield ratio (1 part phosphate :16 part nitrate). If there is really no phosphate, nitrates won't come down.
  19. My nitrates was running in the 20+ ppm levels past few months. I think the following things done recently helped. - Top up biopellet reactor (using Two Little Fishies biopellet). Dosing Microbacter7 & BioFuel on alternate days. - Reduce feeding with frozen food (1x every 2 days instead of 2x a day). The rest of the meals with pellets. - Prevent detritus from building up around the rocks & the back of tank : Raised all my rocks up to improve water flow. Installed a spare wave maker at the back of the tank to clear detritus on the rear where the regular wave maker can't reach. This wavemaker runs a few minutes a day only - Added additional clean up crew : 4 sand sifting starfish, 1 serpent star - Siphoned out detritus from sump
  20. Tank is about 5+ months now. The brown algae / cyno bacteria stopped appearing about a month back. Some pics : One of my 1st corals. Super sun : Golden Cloves. Its interesting that the mouth seems like a perfect rectangle. Got 2 heads of Duncan from Aquarist Chamber just before CNY. Doing OK. Another anemone I got in late Feb from a fellow reefer split into 3 last night. A recent addition. Its getting bolder & willing to venture further out to feed now Quite happy with the calcium reactor so far. Still tuning it to get it right, but its almost there. Water parameters : Nitrate : 0.2ppm Phosphate : ~ 0ppm Calcium : 450ppm Magnesium : 1170ppm (Got to buy a bottle of Mg soon to push it up) Alkalanity : 9.8dKH Potassium : 380ppm (On the low side) Strontium : 4ppm (On the low side)
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