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Everything posted by SubzeroLT

  1. Care to share what happened in your case? Also, what do you mean overdosing?
  2. Very nice indeed. Is that a dwaf lionfish in one of the pictures? What's the care level like? I also got a nano tank recently. Not decided what to do with it yet.
  3. Reverse switch to use the Apex neptune to monitor ORP in the reactor Monitoring the ORP & tuning drip rate during the break in period Also installed a Ocean Free Hydra Stream 3. Could see ORP improving when the Stream was switched on. Works great so far. I've moved the ORP to measure the nitrate reactor at the moment but will come back to monitor the stream shortly. Livestock wise, nothing much has changed. Here's a recent pic where the clown suckled on the anemone till its lips were totally swollen.
  4. Decided to dwell on a mini project to improve water quality / manage nitrates as I'll likely be travelling more often. Got a Skimz recirculating reactor to use sulphur instead of biopellet. Sulphur reactors are supposedly more effective than biopellet. One bag of media ($16+/kg ) will last about 1-2 years. In comparison, my biopellet needed to be topped up every 3 months (~$70 /kg) A sulphur reactor needs to be tuned so that the environment in the reactor is anoxic (no free oxygen O2 ) so that denitryfying bacteria respire nitrate as a substitute - something like how a deep sand bed works. Here are some pictures. Skimz RR113 reactor filled with about 1kg of sulphur media. I put additional biohome media inside to provide some weight so that the sulphur balls don't move. Biohome should also provide additional surface for the heterotrophic bacteria to colonize. After its filled up & placed in the sump, I ran the reactor at full blast to get rid of air bubbles. Then 'fed' the reactor with Biobacter7 (bacteria) & BioFuel (carbon) through the effluent nozzle. Closed it shut so that no effluent leaves the chamber. Then turn down the pump to allow it to recirculate for a day.. I'd never run a sulphur reactor without an ORP sensor. As typical ORP probes give +ve voltage readings. Inside the reactor, the ORP is -ve voltage. One shortcoming of the Apex Neptune is that it can only read +ve voltage. Hence I made a simple switch to reverse the polarity of the probe. For those who want to try it, its simply a double pole double throw switch ($2.50), 2 BNC connectors ($2 each) & a box ($2). ORP reading in the reactor should be within -150mv to -250 mv range to indicate its in the anoxic zone. If its too high > -50mv, it means it has too much oxygen & denitryfing bacteria won't function If its too low < -300, it means its in the anerobic region, which has no free & bound oxygen. Denitrification wont happen. This is my messy sump with the Sulphur reactor installed. I've also used a DI resin container that houses calcium reactor media to increase the pH as the effluent passes through. The biopellet reactor will be decommissioned slowly (remove small amounts of biopellet) over the next weeks as the system transitions over.
  5. Agree.. Good choice of equipment. Look forward to updates Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Can email them for quotation & confirmation of order. Their email address is on the web page. Then pay cash upon delivery.
  7. You can get it from Prestech (Ubi) - http://www.prestech.com.sg/ 2020-6 profiles are $30 per 5m. 3030-8 profiles is $45.4 per 5m Possible to purchase shorter lengths than 5m. GST & cutting cost applies ($0.50 per cut). Possible to deliver for orders above $100.
  8. Drip rate really depends on the size of reactor/media + corals you have. But for a 5ft tank type stocking, its likely you'll go for a higher drip rate (maybe 3-5 drops/sec) or even a flow.
  9. Nice photography! How's the flame doing? Looks a bit skinny - got room to fatten up.
  10. That's a nice tank & light set. Look forward to more photos! I also look forward to the feedback on the Hydra Stream 2 as its supposed to be able to complement or even replace the biological filtration system. I've just started running a Hydra Stream3 myself & we can share notes.
  11. I got some appropriate sized empty shells from the local beaches after having asking around at C328 & Pasir Ris farms. They may have it occasionally but not all the time. The hermit crab has moved into it since.
  12. Congratulations. Absolutely amazed with the quality of zoa/SPS you have. Everyone still waiting eagerly for full tank shot though....
  13. Lovely pieces from CF indeed!! I understand theirs are cultured clams & will have a better chance of doing well in a home aquarium.
  14. NoPox is a good product. I believe it does not contain bacteria, but is actually a carbon/food source for denitrifying bacteria (Heterotrophic) consuming Nitrate. And also a food source for PHB’s (Phosphate Harbouring Bactria) working on reducing phosphate.
  15. I notice Supersun colors changing to a lighter shade when exposed to excessively strong lights. Hence i put them in partial shade now. But for sure, it has changed from orange to light orange/yello.
  16. So you have separate tanks for SPS & Zoa now? I see many gems in your recent post.
  17. Nice scape & well stocked! Looking forward to more updates.
  18. Some photos to share. The supersun (my 1st coral purchase) has grown quite significantly. It was : Its now : Equipment update : The sump was designed with the recommended water height for the skimmer. However, i've at times, there is less or little skimmate. Cleaning the internal & pinwheel pump with vinegar brings back the performance but its shortlived. After a week, its back to less skimmate, probably because the pump is weaker or internal surfaces are dirty again. So I raised the water levels by putting a temporary partition at the overflow to raise water level. This seems to work great.
  19. Got a Blue Star Leopard Wrasse some time back. Finally managed to get a photo of it. My Zoas weren't growing well with the low nitrates required by SPS in the main display tank, so i got a 2nd hand IOS tank & started to move the Zoas over. A simple setup without chiller nor fishes. I just dose KNO3 Potassium Nitrate left over from my freshwater planted tank days to keep nitrates high. Seems to be doing OK. In a recent post, i shared some things I've done to secure Yumas onto a rock. Recently, I tried the rubberband method. I can say it does NOT work. This is the another yuma from the 'parent' rock The rubber band method fails. The Yuma will simply squirm through the rubber band within an hour.
  20. I just found one in my purchase today. I believe its a snapping / pistol shrimp. Alpheus heterochaelis.
  21. How's keeping both SPS & Zoas in the same tank? Managed to balance nitrate/light requirements?
  22. Had an episode of blistering on some SPS. Root cause unknown but probably related to strong light + something else. Lowered the light intensity. Its recovering. In the meantime, more DIY : The egg crate + fishing line tank cover served its purpose but it was quite ugly for something in the living room. Decided to make something more sturdy & presentable. Made with aluminum profile + fine mesh purchased from a farming supply outlet when i was in USA earlier this year.
  23. Nice! Looking forward to more updates & photos.
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