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Everything posted by SubzeroLT

  1. Temperature profile is captured with Apex Neptune controller. Screen capture from Apex Fusion web page.
  2. Thanks. The compressor is working great so far. Below shows the temperature profile observed the past few days. The corresponding lighting profile is superimposed as reference (daytime temperature + heat from light) - 20min to chill tank (~ 1000+L system volume) - About 3hrs to warm up 1degC during daytime lighting hours - About 4-5hrs kick in time at night
  3. Lights finally installed. Managed to hide all the wires in the grooves of the aluminum profile. One of the electrical panels....work in progress The power adapters are mounted on a raised wire mesh to allow airflow on both sides of the adapter. Keeping it cooler is always better.
  4. Nice! Thanks for sharing Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. I didn't take a picture of mine when it was built but its similar to this image grabbed from google As for parts, these are the main items : - Cable gland. PG9 for the standard power adapter cable, PG11 for the neoprene cable if you are using that. - Cable block. This is supposed to be a better quality one made by Legrand. - PVC box
  6. Got the 200gpd RO membrane from Madpetz recently. Mine was previously the 100gpd set up from 2 yrs back. It was a simple membrane change + add additional DI resin chamber. Its odd that the clean water flow rate is higher than the waste water. I thought that at best its a 1:1 ratio. Nevertheless, the TDS reading after the membrane but before the DI resin reads 0TDS. Tank cycling complete. Now preparing for a major water change.
  7. Fantastic rock scape. Love just how natural it looks. Can tell you come from the freshwater aquascaping world. What kind of fishes are you planning to have?
  8. Got a Nyos 220 skimmer after reading good reviews about it. 1st impressions - very well built. With transparent motor cover, the needle wheel is visible. Good for checking cleanliness or if small bits of stuff gets stuck on it (snail shell, stones) that will affect performance. Another nice thing is that it can be dismantled entirely for easy cleaning. Needs to sit in about 21cm of water or around the "Q" of the Quantum sticker on the side Quite happy with the fine foam.
  9. Too many power adapter. No space Made a simple junction box for the lights power adapter to be hung behind the tank (protected by splash guard). Eliminates the bulky power extension chord & plugs. Simple junction box made with 25A rated cables going in. Each structure can accommodate 3 adapters. Power adapter supported with a small screw to put less stress on the cable tie. Since its vertically mounted without a drip loop, I added Permatex gasket sealant around the cable glands in case water does drip down. https://www.permatex.com/products/gasketing/gasket-sealants/permatex-form-a-gasket-no-1-sealant/
  10. Need to save up for other things that cannot DIY Thanks all. Some updates. Was looking for a weir / overflow comb to when a fellow reefer recommended this. "UltraFlow Weir comb" by DD. Quite an innovative design. Most overflows are quite small and can handle only limited volume of water flowing past the comb else the water level rises dangerously close to the rim of the tank. This has slots at the bottom & can handle 30-50% more flow. Great for going for higher tank turnover rates. It comes with a holder & easy to retrofit/slip-on neatly onto current overflow panels. https://www.n30.com.sg/others/641-d-d-ultraflow-weir-comb.html#.WBU98_l95aQ I'm using it for the sump as well to prevent fishes or chaeto from flowing from the refugium to the return pump section.
  11. Do you have a power backup for your wavemaker?
  12. Good idea about the nested filter socks. The inner nylon one is easier to remove for quick cleaning. Fast hand fast leg indeed! Look forward to updates.
  13. Since i'm not using biopellet anymore, the FR30 fluidized reactor is repurposed for stirring kalk Fan is salvaged from my old printer. Controller is a PWM speed controller. Available on Ebay. Thanks.
  14. Fantastic viewing port. I've seen it in use previously. Was looking for it too Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Thanks. Many youtube videos on this out there. Just followed the instructions there.
  16. Yes, Kalk can be used to maintain Ca/KH. But kalk alone won't be able to keep up. Hence a CR is still needed. For me, the primary reason is to help push up pH as its running quite low in my tank.
  17. Not to replace CR. In my case, the primary objective of the kalk is to push up pH levels.
  18. Cycling still in progress. In the meantime, finished up a couple of things for the tank Float switch in display tank in the unlikely event the overflow drains are blocked. Float switch will be hooked to the Apex Neptune to cut off the return pump if ncessary. Kalkwasser stirrer - Some parts for it - Decided to build a box with scrap pieces of acrylic instead of using those PVC boxes. This enabled customization to have a clear top to see what's going on inside. - Finished. Pardon the (acrylic) dust The plan is to stir the kalk a couple of minutes before the ATO is turned on. Fresh ATO water will then be channeled through the kalk reactor before going to sump The stir bar used
  19. That's in the study room near the window. ATO is a 5L bottle, water is pumped via a Tom's Aqua Lifter from the bottle to tank. Power to the aqua lifter is via a standard digital timer which is set to turn on for 1 minute each time (3 times a day). With this, its able to maintain a rather consistent water level throughout the week. Oh, and that's an AIO tank. Uses 1 filter sponge & a basket of bio meter to keep water clean. Powered by Eheim 600 pump + MP10 wavemaker. Back to threadstarter's original topic - seeking any other inputs on a setup without chiller. Anymore examples?
  20. The rock modification is quite cool. Thanks for sharing the strong magnet source. The magnet I tried for a floating rock project wasn't so strong and good for up to 10mm glass only.
  21. Your new scape looks good. What I read was the best way to arrange corals is to place colors opposite of the color wheel close to each other for best contrast.
  22. Sump looks very nicely done. DCT4000 pump?
  23. This is my small set up without chiller/fan. Ambient temperature runs around 30-33degC during the day (windows closed in study room). Simple timer based auto top up (1minute, 3x a day) Keeping zoanthids, GSP & a yellow tang. I'd say the zoanthids are doing ok but they can probably do better with coolor water. No way that even simple SPS like birdsnest is able to survive here.
  24. Quite unique! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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