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Everything posted by SubzeroLT

  1. Nice zoas indeed. More pics please
  2. Random snaps of whatever could be captured with iphone (no filter) and blue light Hosting this for a friend. Turquoise Birdsnest (L) & Radioactive Birdsnest (R) More Radioactive Birdsnest There should be 3 clowns hidden in there
  3. Added any organic food source (eg small prawn meat or fish food) to aid the cycling process?
  4. http://yeo99.blogspot.com/2012/03/t95-location-supreme-aquarium.html Location is where the 'yellow man' is on the map.
  5. Made a change to the water flow into the sump. Instead of 100% flow going through the Clarisea, I bypassed about 20% away to flow through the XL sized biopellets. The Clarisea is performing well with the slightly lower flow (2x Vectra M1 with 20% bypass). Below is the media usage in one week (compare it with a new roll). At this rate, the fleece will probably last about 2-3 months Close up of 1 week usage. Water parameters today (water change was done last weekend) : KH : 8.5 Magnesium : 1410 Calcium : 400 PO4 : Not measured Potassium : 370 (need to top up) NO3 : 2-5ppm Added a pair of shrimp gobies. Attempted to 'guide' them to a particular area with a pipe. But as expected, they disappeared from sight soon after.
  6. Agree. A larger tank is always better for the reasons JMW mentioned. What is your set up going to be like? Equipment planned & livestock?
  7. Nice scaping! My gut feel tells me your Acans will be exposed to too much light. Acans need very low PAR (around 100 PAR levels or less) to maintain its puffiness & color. Its about the same vicinity as your SPS - so its either your SPS has insufficient light or your acans will be overexposed.
  8. I'm aware that Madpetz or ReefmarketSG has them. You can facebook message them to confirm. Other retailers probably carry them too but i'm not 100% sure.
  9. Start a tank thread. Share your setup process. You will hit the 50 post very quickly. Anyway, you are almost there
  10. Are these the LPS you want to lift off the sand bed? Quite a few nice pieces there.
  11. Somehow they seem less disgusting with the feather. In fact, we pay good money for a worm. Thanks Thanks.
  12. Sump pics. Several folks asked my opinion about the Clarisea for their new tanks. its one of the nice equipment that adds A LOT of convenience. Change fleece every 4-5 weeks instead of changing wool every 2-3 days. Love it! If you are designing a new tank/sump, consider having a roller mat system. Else design the space for future upgrades. Its a worth while investment for convenience. Small foot print & suitable for compact sumps. I'd rather keep the space for a refugium or larger skimmer Another worthwhile equipment is the Apex Neptune. Also adds a lot of convenience to automate stuff & trigger you if things go wrong.
  13. Looks like the tube worm went back into its tube fully on its own. Small DIY to raise a duncan off the sand bed as the the bottom heads were constantly covered by sand. . Done
  14. You can make something like this.
  15. Ha. The other tang isn't too happy with its new tank mate. But looks like it'll be alright
  16. The body was attached to a rock. The tube was attached to the glass bottom of the tank. Accidentally pulled out the tubeworm from its tube when I lifted the rock This tube should work (backup plan) For now, I tried to stuff the worm back into the original tube (partially). Hopefully it backs in on its own over the next days. Else the artificial PU tube will be used.
  17. FTS : 28th July 2018 before water change Finally had time to preform a water change after 3 weeks. Some folks asked how i manage the water change. Sacrifice the shower area in one of the toilets to house the 2 blue drums. 120L drum for fresh RODI. Another 160L drum for waste water. Mix the salt using an old Eheim 1260 pump for several hours. Fresh salt water is pumped back to the tank using a long 15m hose connected to the same Eheim pump. This was a frag from another reefer. Started out as a 5c coin piece with no idea what it looks like. Turning out quite nice Frag from Lawrence a year ago (Thanks) Hosting this for a fellow reefer. Hope it survives. This as well. Miserable frag of royal blue millie
  18. Your tank is 525L. The Vectra M1 is rated 7500L/hr which is more than 10x. If using on its own, the M1 is more than enough. The Vectra is nice as it is able to go into "feed mode" where the pumps slow down to a trickle so that food won't go into the overflow or siphon back to the sump through the return pipe. Personally I don't T off the main returns - Keep it as dedicated pumps. But use a separate smaller pump for all the reactors. My Vectra M1s are about 1.8yrs. Vectra S1 is about 9 months. Absolutely problem free.
  19. As with many products, generally, a more expensive product comes with more R&D, more innovation, better performance vs competition at that time, more testing validation during development (i.e. better reliability), better materials used etc. DC pumps are generally more energy efficient than AC pumps and gaining popularity. Hence its hard to compare Jebao DC pumps vs Eheim AC pumps. DC pumps come with more electronics for variable speed etc (nice to have). Its always good to have backup systems as things can fail. Have 2 pumps, battery backups etc. Personally i'm running vortech wavemaker with battery backup. And 2 Vectra return pumps. Nor cheap but it gives more peace of mind
  20. Finally cleaned the skimmer cup tonight. Disgusting? Its been 5 months with the Alkatronic. Used up slightly more than 1/3 of the reagent by weight so far. Looks like a bottle is going to last more than a year's usage based on 4 tests per day
  21. Looks like a new variant of the DC line of product with fancy name "Sine wave technology". Its definitely submersible.
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