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Everything posted by SubzeroLT

  1. Very nice indeed! Lovely colours Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. Just to understand on the objective of growing Chaeto here? Typically folks grow it in the sump refugium to reduce nitrate/phosphate (quite minimal impact though). Or more often, a refuge with slow water flow for copopods to grow.
  3. Thanks. You will need the longer plastic screws to pinch the tubes. You can get them from the back of the Skimz tube holder (to secure the holder to the glass). Else, plastic long screws are available at some hardware or acrylic shops.
  4. This is most informative. Could you share what's the setting for DIM & Sunset?
  5. Lovely collection of fishes. A webcam (with SD card recording) could be a nice deterrent to potential thieves.
  6. The anemone finally split into 3 parts. All 3 are recovering well. I gave it some market prawns yesterday (5th day) & it gobbled it up. A view of the porcelain crab. Shed its shell once so far. Regarding the calcium reactor. One reads about folks in the US forums using a pinch valve instead of this valve it came with which I found to be difficult to fine tune. I got rid of it & used a spare Skimz tube holder instead. The plastic screws were great for pinching the tubes for relatively precise drip rate control. I looped it twice as a precaution to use 2 pinch points instead of one.
  7. Thanks very much for the frags. With home delivery too. Appreciate the kind gesture. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  8. I've too have had good experience with Seet (Reef Depot) with him helping me troubleshoot my AI Hydra losing internet connection issue over the phone on New Years eve night. He SMS to follow up a week later to see how things were going. Having said that, it appears that warranty following original owner only (not transferable) is quite a common practice. Popular brands such as Bose, Trek/Cervelo/.Giant (popular bicycle brand), Samsung mobile phone or Nikon camera just to name a few. I don't like this rule but its quite common out there. Having said that, WongYeng's sale is quite a fantastic deal - $500 for 2 unused sets. Its cheaper & better deal than some folks selling 1 year old items where warranty has ended. All the best in your sale.
  9. Actually the site from Bombom is a Singapore site. They are located in Keppel distripark
  10. Bought mine from Seng Shiong supermarket. $2.50 for 5L Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Nice tank size and collection of corals. Any other dosing regime?
  12. The anemone has been with me for 2 months. Its not big. Highly suspect its the stress coming from the porcelain crab & clown fishes battling over the anemone. Its decided to split. One for the crab. One for the clowns.
  13. Came home from work this evening & noticed the anemone looked odd. It apparently splitting on its own. I've read about it but seeing it for the 1st time. Top view of the mouth area during the split The entire process for it to split completely took about 3 hours.
  14. Yes...the guy from Aquarmarin (didn't know his name before though). A friendly chap & always with good advice. He did suggest 2 things with the calcium reactor : 1) Water inlet must be strong enough to 'push' water in. 2) Don't tighten the pH controller too tight
  15. Erm... Which idea? Also Who is Ah Heng? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  16. Yeah...the sump is so cramped now compared to day 1. Will upgrade once I get the hang of the hobby a little better. I wonder what's the right time to switch on the calcium reactor? 24/7? Or only during the day time? I got my DC6000 from DE Aquatic. List price is around $165. Some shops occasionally give a small discount.
  17. There are fans inside the maxspect razor next to each LED module. By default, the fans are off. It switches on when it gets "hotter". Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  18. Some equipment updates : Swapped out the refugium's UP Aqua white LED to a 20W CFL grow light from megaman. Skimz calcium reactor with Caribsea coarse media in the main chamber. Caribsea fine media in the secondary chamber in an attempt to maximize reaction to bring pH back up. I still have excess fine ARM media available. PM me if you want to buy a portion of it. T- off water supply for the calcium reactor
  19. You can get small buckets of Calcium chloride and Magnesium chloride at Madpetz.
  20. The brown jelly is supposed to be some kind of single cell organism which excrete a digestive enzyme (i.e. brown jelly). It can spread. Perhaps the torch was injured over the past days, either from knocks or nipped by fishes. This is typically how the infection starts. If not serious, brush off the jelly & dip in a disinfectant (eg. Kent Marine Lugol or Providone Iodine from Guardian Pharmacy @ 3ml/L dose) If you think its badly injured (and rotting/smelly), cut off the infected head & discard it.
  21. Lovely collection of corals indeed. Thanks for sharing.
  22. For test kits, I've used a couple of brands like Seachem, API & Salifert. I'd say, just use Salifert is the best one so far.
  23. Lovely colors! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Lovely colors! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. I've not kept this but was told by Iwarna boss that this coral needs very low lighting. Keep it in the shade. It is not photo synthetic & needs to be fed with filter feeder type food (eg. Phytoplankton, marine snow etc. ) Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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