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Everything posted by yq33

  1. https://vimeo.com/103566957 Clownfish looks a lot better now, although the spot is still there, it's much smaller. On a side note, is it safe to add new fishes already? Or should I wait even longer for it to dissapear
  2. I guess before it gets big it's alright? Haha can upgrade next time
  3. Anyone knows where can I get heniochus white black butter fly or a long fin banner fish?( if possible pm the price too) thanks !
  4. Garlic helps ah? Can the frozen one be soaked in garlic? I feed hikari frozen brine/mysis
  5. Haha okay. Fortunately for me, it's my one and only fish haha
  6. Alright then. How often should should I change btw?
  7. Alright tuned it down already. Does anyone know how should I treat it though?
  8. https://vimeo.com/103217522https://vimeo.com/103217549 Hi all, please help! The clown looks like it's getting worse! Still feeding but much less than before. Seems like he comes out more with my wave maker off, should I off it?
  9. Hmm can't really identify.. It's just that "beard" there. He hides all day until feeding time.
  10. It's feeding, but hiding. Sorry very hard to get a picture, he keeps moving or hiding..
  11. Bro could you drop me a pm on where you got it?
  12. yq33

    Ph test kit

    Looking for the above thanks!
  13. Looks something like a beard.. Am I supposed to treat it with anything?
  14. Weird black spot getting bigger under the clowns mouth. Still eating and swimming properly. May I know how to treat this! https://vimeo.com/102987751
  15. Thanks for your tips bro! Oh well we can't always have what we want so must settle for something lesser haha. Must always provide the best environment for them
  16. Just did a rescape earlier but feels very unnatural, will try again this weekend cause had to rush off.. Also my clown is swimming rather weirdly? First video idk if this is normal! (ps for poor video) Second video my clown has a black spot under his mouth, is this a source of concern? https://vimeo.com/102836957https://vimeo.com/102836996
  17. Are emperors hard to get it feeding? Hmm I think I would be better off without these larger angels tho, so I can save the trouble of buying and selling them.. No budget to upgrade haha
  18. On that looks quite good too, any idea what's the average price for them?
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